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A raw food diet is a great way to restore your body's health by consuming enzyme-rich nutritional foods in their natural raw state. Many studies have shown that eating raw foods lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and hearth problems. A raw food diet consists of at least 75% of their daily intake of food to be uncooked and unprocessed. This includes raw nuts, seeds, whole grains, vegetables and fruits. However, you may cook or dehydrate these foods at a temperature below 115 degrees F without destroying the enzymes that are needed for digestion and absorption.

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Q: Raw Food Diet
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Is a raw food diet good for you?

Raw food helps you with everything in your body. If you have cancer or diabetes it is a good thing to go on a raw food diet. It makes you more functional then regular food. So yes, it is good to go on a raw food diet.

What types of food are absolutely not in a raw food vegan diet?

A raw food vegan diet does not consist of foods that have been cooked. Pasteurized milks, and cooked meats are also not a part of a raw food vegan diet.

Where can I find more information on raw food detox diet?

The raw food detox diet is a good diet and has a lot of information on it. There is a book on this diet that takes you step by step through the diet. The book is called The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose and can be bought on

Is a raw food detox diet complicated?

A raw food detox diet can be as simple as selecting your raw products of choice and using a blender daily. There is a book by nutritionist Natalie Rose called: The Raw Food Detox Diet, that outlines five levels of raw food diets and is suitable for advanced raw food dieters and absolute beginners alike.

Is raw food diet unhealthy?

If by "raw food diet" you mean "raw vegan" than yes. It is the ultimate health and healing diet, used to treat and reverse cancer in cancer patients.

How much does a raw food diet cost financially?

Does not matter because raw food diet is not good for the human body and can be dangerous. Highly recommend that no one does this diet.

What percent of dog owners feed a raw food diet?

Approximately 6-10% of dog owners feed their dogs a raw food diet, also known as a raw diet or BARF diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food). This diet typically includes raw meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables.

What is a raw food diet in juice therapies?

The raw food diet involves eating uncooked fruit and vegetables. The diet is said to be useful in treating such conditions as heart disease and arthritis.

Where can one find information on a raw food detox diet?

One can find more information on the raw food detox diet from the following sources: Web MD, Raw Foods Diet Centre, Nouveau Raw, Shazzie, Detox The World, Beyond Veg.

what do you have to eat in the raw food diet?

There are many types of diets, the Raw Food Diet works great for some people! Like any diet, it's important to speak to your doctor first. This website has more information about eating raw food

What exactly is a raw food detox diet?

The raw food detox diet is a common diet used by people who wish to lose weight. You must eat only raw foods, like fresh fruit and fresh (not frozen, or cooked) vegetables.

What are the alternatives if I'm going bald in Anchorage, AK?

Try a raw food diet. Raw food is very high in nutrition & will help your body grow hair again. You can do a raw food diet any where. Look it up & do some research yourself.