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When it comes to convenience foods most of us eat them for that very reason, because they are convenient. When you get home from work, or a busy day of errands, then you are going to want to eat without a lot of fuss. You might want to eat healthier but the odds are good most of us are going to reach for what is quick and easy. If you shop your local grocery store then that will lead you to pasta, Pizza and other foods that are high in calories and low in nutrition. If you want to change how you eat, and you can’t make major changes to your life, then you are going to have to make some changes to your meal plans and make eating healthy easier to do. So lets talk strategy. Work in Bulk Today in my oven are two squash. One is for use right away. The other will be put into a zip top bag and placed in the freezer for the future. The odds are that I will have some left over from the first squash. I can use it again this week. That means for one cooking I can get a total of four uses of the squash. Since squash is 4 calories a serving, with calcium, magnesium and potassium I’m getting good nutrition for the calories. Take Advantage of Set and Forget Options How do I find time to do this? I do it with the help of slow cookers and convection ovens. They allow me to set up the cooking and then go about my day. This means I can work it out on any day of the week if I really need to. I happen to like to cook on Sunday’s but you can work out any day or time that is best for you. Freeze it Up Freezing your fresh preps, or even getting steam in bag frozen vegetables for things you don’t want to prep, will make your mealtime easy. Then all you have to do is to heat and eat your healthier options. Plan in Advance Now the last part, taking out thinking about what to serve each day. Most of us choose what is familiar because it is easy. By having a menu plan you will be able to get right to cooking without too much pondering before hand. There you have it. Of course you may have to do some work on the front it, but with a good freezer you can choose when you do that work. With the use of a convection oven, or a slow cooker, you can make sure that you are doing other things with that time. The goal here is to make things simple for you on a day-to-day basis. So find some time to work on your plans and change your life one meal at a time. In the end you will see how simple it can be to eat healthy.

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