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Why Watch Your Calories?

Watching your calories is one of the most important factors when trying to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many individuals overeat, not knowing what the proper portion sizes are or how many calories is really in an item. A great way to maintain your weight goals is to keep a food diary containing all of your meals. You should then determine the caloric content of each of the foods that are listed in your food diary. If you went over your allotted calories, be sure to change your food plan for the next day. You can only watch your calories by knowing the caloric content of each food that you eat.

Caloric Content of Common Fruits
  • One medium apple contains 72 calories.
  • 1.5 ounces of raisins contains 130 calories.
  • One medium grapefruit contains 82 calories.
  • One cup of blueberries contains 81 calories.
  • One cup of pineapple pieces contains 76 calories.
  • One medium pair contains 98 calories.
Caloric Content of Common Vegetables
  • Four medium spears of asparagus contain 11 calories.
  • One cup of cauliflower contains 23 calories.
  • Three ounces of onion contains 36 calories.
  • One cup of bell or sweet peppers contains 18 calories.
  • Half of a cup of mushrooms contains 20 calories.
  • One cup of lettuce contains 8 calories.
Caloric Content of Common Proteins
  • 100 grams of farmed Salmon contains 206 calories.
  • 100 grams of ground beef contains 193 calories.
  • 100 grams of USA domestic lamb contains 242 calories.
  • 100 grams of bacon contains 541 calories.
  • One cup of cooked lentils contains 230 calories.
  • Half of a cup of firm tofu contains about 88 calories.
Caloric Content of Common Snacks
  • One cup of oil-popped and microwaved popcorn contains 60 calories.
  • One fruit-filled granola bar contains 342 calories.
  • One cup of trail mix contains 700 calories.
  • One cup of light tortilla chips contains 293 calories.
  • One medium muffin contains 170 calories.
  • Half of a cup of Quaker's 100% Natural Granola Oats and Honey cereal contains 232 calories.
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Q: Counting Calories
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Related questions

Which is better Counting Calories or Counting Portions?

Counting calories and watching portions.

What's the best plan for counting calories to lose weight?

Most all diets to be affective include counting calories. The easiest method according to dieters that help with counting calories is Weight Watchers. They use a points system that breaks down calories into an easier way of keeping records.

What diets plans have people counting calories?

Calorie counting in of itself is a diet, so you don't have to pay or go on a specific diet in order to do so. If you want a great tool for looking up calories in food, go to You can also see to get some guidelines for counting calories.

Where can I find information on counting calories to lose weight?

You can get information on counting calories to lose weight using an apple app like fitness count that will tell you how many calories you have eaten from what you input.

How does counting calories change the way you eat?

Well once you start counting calories, you repeat that methode and you start getting use to that ,and you start makeing it a routen.

How many calories are in a checkers ice cream cone?

If ur counting the calories you dnt need it.

Is counting calories a sign of an eating disorder?

Not in and of itself, but eating disorder do often involve obsessive calorie counting.

What is a calorie and how could counting calories be helpful?

a calorie is a mesure of fat like a cheese burger might have 2000 calories and a apple might have 20 so the more calories something has the more fatty it is and counting calories can help you loose weight in the way that you can keep count of how many calories you have had to how many you have lost

Is counting calories a good way to lose weight?

Watching calories can help you lose weight, but counting calories does not. Often foods that are healthier for you and your metabolism are more calorically dense, but they help you lose weight in the long run. You need a minimum amount of calories on a daily basis, at least, to not be under starvation.

How to Make Counting Calories a Little Easier?

Counting calories can be a major pain, but it is essential for you to keep track of what you are eating if you want to lose weight. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do in order to make counting calories a little bit easier on yourself. Using your computer or smartphone is one great way to count calories the easy way. There are plenty of websites and apps out there that make calorie counting easy, and you don't even have to worry about looking up the individual nutrition facts about each thing that you eat.

Are grapes calories bad calories?

They will be low in calories from fat. So, no, they are not that bad. Grapes are good for you nutritionally. If you are counting carbohydrates or calories in order to lose weight, you will need to limit your intake.

If I own a restaurant and I want to get the number calories in a dish where do I go to get this done?

You have to buy one of those books for counting calories .. and calculate the nb of calories of each dish