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no, he is underweight, he should be around 11 stone

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Q: Your 16 yr old son is 6ft and he weighs 7st is this normal?
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Is weighing128 normal for a 14 year old?

If she's either 3ft tall or 6ft tall, no... Anywhere in between is ok...

What weight should a 10 year old boy be?

average is 6 to 7st

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Somewhat around 6ft 1.5inches or 6ft 2.7 inches.

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that is normal and healthy.

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that's not normal. -just my opinion though

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An 11 year old boy or girl who stands 4'11" and weighs 91 pounds is at normal weight. This gives a BMI of 18.4.

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it weighs as much as yo mama

I am 5ft 3 and 14 years old is it possible for me to be 6ft?

You are most likely to be 6ft according to my theory..

You are 5ft 2 7st 10oz 16 years old what is your average bra size?

Probably like 30 A

Is it normal for a ten year old too weigh 129?

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yea totally

Average weight of 24 year old and 6ft tall?

The average weight for someone 6ft tall should be between 140 to 180 pounds.