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With the high calorie foodstuffs that we have available oh so easy today, all attempts at weight losspretty much has to start with controlling your diet.

Unless you have your intake under control, it's really, really hard to exercise enough to compensate for overeating.

One single cupcake over your "allowance" can take a full hour of dedicated workout to use up.

Weight training is a so-so thing to do for weight loss. It can certainly improve your health, but what you want for a good calorie burn is a long, consistent increase of your heart rate, and you just don't get much of that from doing weights.

If you want to run long enough for it to really help with weight loss you need to aim for 45-60 minutes every 2nd-3rd day.

Part of it can also be that you are gaining muscle (muscle weighs more than fat).

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Q: You run everyday and do weights why are you putting on weight?
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Will throwing up help you lose weight?

I am not sure but if you are interested in keeping a good body shape workout by lifting weights. If you are serious about losing weight run. Throwing up to lose weight is bad. There is an illness called bulemia and you can suffer malnutrition. So even if throwing up helps you lose weight pleases don't do it. I don't know you but I care about your health so if you want to lose weight run. I am not a runner. I lift weights to keep a good body shape.

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A little of both. Run a little before to get blood flowing, then after to burn excess calories.

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I like the basic free weights for building bicepts. Most free weights are cheap compaired to a weight mechince that could run into the thousends. Free wights are generally cheap.

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There weight, height, and gender have different movements. Like if people run everyday, or walk everyday that it shapes and moves the earth in so many different ways.

Do Ankle Weights Mess up What if your Knees?

Ankle weights can potentially increase strain on your knees during exercise, which may lead to knee pain or injury. It is advisable to use ankle weights cautiously and ensure that they are used correctly to avoid putting excessive stress on the knee joints. If you have knee problems, it might be best to consult with a healthcare professional before using ankle weights.

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To calculate the molecular weight of a protein in electrophoresis, you would use a standard curve generated with protein standards of known molecular weights run on the same gel. By plotting the migration distance of the standard proteins against their known molecular weights, you can then determine the molecular weight of your protein of interest based on its migration distance on the gel in comparison to the standard curve.

Does Ankle Weights Make You Run Faster?

yes they do as they make your ankle muscles bigger in size and they can then help you run faster with more weight!!! Especially with DARREN(160 tonnes) on your back !!!! loooool!! yes they do as they make your ankle muscles bigger in size and they can then help you run faster with more weight!!! Especially with DARREN(160 tonnes) on your back !!!! loooool!!

How to you run fast in 1.6kilometer?

many weeks of daily practice running 5 km with weights on both ankles - then actually run the race without the weights.

How much weight can you loose if you run three laps?

honestly, not much, 3 laps everyday for a few months would not be a bad start though

How can a 12 year old that weighs 143 lose weight?

Well you have to watch what you eat. Um.... if one of your parents run in the morning you probably run with them, or ride your bike that works too and if you do that everyday you can get rid of the weight you want to get rid of. And I want to tell you something don't say " loose weight" say I want to get rid of weight OK!!!!!!!

Does lettuce cause weight loss?

Yes, lettuce does make you lose weight. if you were to eat a salad everyday with no dressing or salt for 2 weeks staight and run every day betwin 30 to 60mins. a day you'd loose a lot of weight.