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One of the best ways to lose weight is a change in diet and a change in exercise habits. If you eat more mindfully, and think about eating vegetables and fruit, and eating other things in smaller portions, you'll be surprised at how much weight you can lose that way. It's also important to remain active. Even something as small as taking a walk every day can help a lot towards weight loss goals.

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16y ago

The specific type of exercise is not important,

but you must do enough of whatever you do to burn up more fat than you make, (which depends on how much you eat), every day until you reach your desired weight.

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16y ago

A healthy diet and excercise.

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Q: You are size 16 and want to lose weight how can you get to size 12?
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What is the average weight for a 12-year-old if you are 5'10 and a half?

um I put this question I am 205 pounds and I want to lose some weight so I want to know how much I should try to lose.

How can you safely lose 23 pounds if you 12-years-old and you want to lose weight fast?

diet and excercise. its not safe to lose weight fast regardless of age.

If you are 5'7 and you weigh 16 stone and also a size 16 what's the ideal weight to be if you want to be a size 12?

Depending on your build, between 11 and 12 stone.

How do you lose weight when your 12 and your fat but not over weight?

take long walks..start learning to eat healthy and not heavy..keep a diary about your weight loss..checking you weight every night and writing down how you feel can also help you know times when you eat alot and when you dont eat much..and most important always have it at the back of your mind why you want to lose weight if you do this u would achieve the size u desire biolu

She is 13 years old and is 115 pounds and shes 4 foot 12 she are fit and eat healthy she hasbroad shoulders and hips How can she lose weight?

She doesn't need to lose weight. My daughter weighs more than that. Her weight is just fine. Don't worry about it. Have her exercise more if you really want her to lose weight.

I'm 196lbs and a dress size 12 I'm 16 and 5ft 5 I am not muscular why do I weigh so much?

If you weight 196 pounds, and wear a size 12 at the age of 16, you may just need to exercise. Many times people gain weight for not being active. At 5'5" in height, you need to lose weight.

How much weight can you lose on b 12?


Can a 130 pound 12 year old lose weight?

"Can" a 130 pound 12 year old lose weight, yes, but the question is "should" a 130 pound 12 year old lose weight. The answer to that depends on your height and build as well. It would be good to consult a physician if you are concerned about being over weight. They can also give you ideas on how best to lose weight for your age if losing weight is appropriate. Good luck.

Should you lose weight if you weigh 113 at 12?

um no that is the normal weight if you are a girl

What should you do to lose weight you are 12 years old you are a girl?

Why would you want to lose weight at that age!? If you think ou have to though, I would suggest walking or running at least once a day. Try to keep a balanced diet and eat healthy!

How can you lose weight you are 12 and worried please answer?

Eat less

How much weight will you lose taking turbalean?

12 pounds