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when i was 11 i weighed 6 and a half stone and i got told that an ideal weight for an 11 year old depending if u r a boy or a girl

when you are a girl you usually hit puberty at 11 and start to lose baby fat at 13

but if you are a boy you tend to hit puberty later at 13

girl: 6-8 stone

boy: 7-9 stone

whatever gender you are you are an OK weight for your age

be happy with your body and remember to eat healthy and do exersize!

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Q: You are 11 years old and 8 stone are you over weight?
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12 stone is already too heavy for a 13 year old. Do not put on more weight.

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it does depend on the age you are in your teenage years .... if you are a 13 years old girls you sound weigh around 8 stone