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People choose to be vegetarian for a variety of reasons including religious beliefs, personal morals, animal rights, health, Allergies/intolerances, or with influences from family and friends.

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Q: Would you consider becoming a vegetarian why or why not?
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Are eggs vegetarian or not?

Including eggs in a vegetarian diet is solely up to the individual. If included, one would consider themselves an ovo-vegetarian. Want to just add milk?; lacto-vegetarian. Add both and you are an ovo-lacto vegetarian!

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no i would most defienetely not

How can you help the endangered jack rabbit?

Conserve water, use less gas, consider becoming a vegetarian and/or u can consider doing a debate about them!

What would you consider a vegetarian diet?

A vegetarian diet would consist of non meat foods. Some vegetarians consume dairy products while others do not. There are numerous websites one can look at to obtain suitable recipes.

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Vegetarian Vampires

Does sushimi have meat in it?

Sushimi is fish. So if you consider fish a meat, yes, it has meat in it. If you are a vegetarian and eat fish, no it would not.

How many times has the vegetarian Mr Universe Bill Pearl won the Mr Universe title?

Since becoming a vegetarian - once.

Is a meat diet dangerous?

No. Its Like Becoming A Vegetarian. Its Actually Healthy For Your Body!

Why did people start becoming vegetarian?

Because they believed animals did not deserve to get harmed.

How do you tell your parents you're becoming a vegetarian?

You go up to them and say, "Hi, I've thought about this for a while now and I decided that I'm going to be a vegetarian. I hope you are supportive of my decision and will help me reach my goal. I would like to become a vegetarian beacause...". Hopefully they will think it's a great idea. Good luck!Why do you have to tell them?What you eat is your business.In the same way if your parents were vegetarian and you chose to eat meat, that would be your business.