

Best Answer
  • No, not usually. If they are fried or roasted then no. Boiled potatoes are better but all potatoes, however, contain a lot of starch, which the body can use for energy very easily. Therefore, if you have too many potatoes that energy will be easily converted to fat for storage, so don't go pigging out on potatoes.
  • Yes, potatoes are great for a diet. Most people think they're too fattening and/or starchy, but that's just a myth (in my opinion). Potatoes are fairly low-calorie and have more potassium than the average banana.
  • No, potatoes are not considered a good food for weight loss. They are high carbohydrate and relatively high in calories. There are much better carbohydrate and calories bargains to be had. If you must include potatoes in your weight loss regime, use them sparingly or save them for the occasional treat.
  • No, potatoes are not good "diet food" if you have any degree of insulin resistance. This is because potatoes (a root vegetable) are high in carbohydrates, especially when compared to green (or non root) vegetables. Many overweight people have a degree of insulin resistance, often without being aware of it, and anyone who is obese is already significantly insulin resistant. There are much better carbohydrate bargains to be had than potatoes. Here is an example of the carbohydrate content of potato:
  1. Approx 59-63 carbohydrates in 1 large (3 - 4¼" diameter) baked potato with skin.
  2. Approx 37 carbohydrates in 1 medium (2¼ - 3¼" diameter) baked potato with skin
  3. Approx 30-34 carbohydrates in 1 medium (2¼ - 3¼" diameter) red baked potato with skin
  4. Approx 27- 30 carbohydrates in 1 small (1¾ - 2½" diameter) baked potato with skin.
  5. Approx 60 carbohydrates in 1 large (3 - 4¼" diameter) peeled, old, boiled potato.
  6. Approx 33 carbohydrates in 1 medium (2¼ - 3¼" diameter) peeled, old, boiled potato
  7. Approx 25 carbohydrates in 1 small (1¾ - 2½" diameter) peeled, old, boiled potato
  8. Approx 20 carbohydrates in 4 oz or 114g of new, boiled, potatoes.
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There are plenty of theories regarding weight loss and weight control. There's Glycemic Index, there's LCHF just to mention a few.

But when it comes to controlling your body weight, the biggest thing is your energy (= calorie) balance.

If what you eat and drink during the day has more energy/calories than you use up, the body will turn that excess energy into fat and store it.

And it's always a balance between what, and how much you eat.

It's the calories that count the most - not the shape they come in.

A big serving of something that's low in calories,can have the same total number as a small serving of something that's high in calories.

It's a bit like with money, a bucket of coins can have the same value as a small stack of bills.

Again, It's the numbers that counts, not the shape they come in.

Now, for someone trying to lose or maintain weight, potatoes are a little risky. Potatoes are high in carbohydrates, which means that they are fairly high in calories as well. Load your plate with them, andy you'll be getting more calories than you're likely to use up during the day.

There's nothing special about potatoes as such, the same amount of calories from any other source would contribute just at much to your body weight.

Thing is, it's just so much easier to overeat on potatoes than on something like cucumber.

It's all about that balance. If you stay within your calorie budget, potatoes won't make you fat. If you go outside your budget, the excess calories will add just as much to your body regardless if they're from potatoes or from chocolate bars.

Whatever method you look at, they're all after the same goal - to reduce a person's overall calorie intake/uptake. And as long as they do that, they will work.

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12y ago


The diet the at makes you lose weight is the high fat, high protein - zero carbohydrate diet. This works best but is not necessarily the healthiest diet for you.

For over 30 years now dietitians have been pushing a low fat high carbohydrate diet and this has resulted in a crisis of obesity and Diabetes in the western world. Potatoes are almost solid carbohydrate - avoid them if you want to lose weight.

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