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I juiced fruits and vegies and lost on average 1/2 lb a day. Then after 3 weeks I added in fruits and salads and lost 2-3 lbs a week. The great thing is you get to eat as much as you want because calories are low and it's full of vitamins.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Too much. You need certain vitamins and minerals that cannot be found in fruits and veggies. You would need to take some vitamins as well if you plan to survive. But you would definitely loose weight.

However, talk to your doctor (and I know i sound like those Yaz commercials) but your doctor will need to know if you're going on some sort of diet like this. It could be harmful to your health and your doctor can tell you if it's a good idea or not.

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13y ago

That's not healthy just eating fruit for a week: you need a range of foods, breads, meats, vegetable, and rice, a well-balanced diet. Just don't eat so much, you'll lose weight.

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14y ago

Its not good to only eat fruit

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12y ago

You need proteins and healthy fats.

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Q: Will you lose weight by just eating fruit and vegetables?
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Could just eating fruit cause weight loss?


How much weight can you lose when eating just vegetables and drinking lots of water?

You can loose lots of weight.

Can you eat raspberries when trying to lose unwanted belly fat?

Eating raspberries is good but in order to lose weight just by eating one kind of fruit. Fruits contain peptide and pectin, while vegetables contain fiber.

Can you get fat eating nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables?

no if u eat fruit and vegetables its obiviously good for you but if u don't do any training then you'll probably stay the same weight.but u can get fat if all u eat is fruit and veg and u just sit on yr sofa all day with no training. and become a slob, u need a good attitude,good eating/diet,and a weekly training to loose weight and become fit Yes, it is possible to gain weight by eating just fruits and vegetables, for two primary reasons. One - the cause of weight gain due to food consumption is really a matter of the amount of calories you eat, vs the amount of calories you burn. If you eat 2,500 calories a day, whether all from fat or all from fruits and vegetbles, and only burn 1,000 calories a day, you will experience a weight gain. Two - Most fruits and vegetables contain Fructose, which is a form of sugar. Sugar is a carbohydrate. Sugar, if not used as energy for the body, turns to fat.

Does fruit chat lose wait?

eating mostly fruit does help loose weight. if you don't exercise and just eat healthy you will STILL loose weight. but, it will go a little slower. you should eat: strawberry, banana, apple, pine apple, water melon all mixed together when you get hungry but you have to remember to also eat meat and vegetables.

Does mixed fruit chat lose wait?

eating mostly fruit does help loose weight. if you don't exercise and just eat healthy you will STILL loose weight. but, it will go a little slower. you should eat: strawberry, banana, apple, pine apple, water melon all mixed together when you get hungry but you have to remember to also eat meat and vegetables.

Will a person lose weight just by eating vegetables?

Yes, offcourse I did it... I lost my 17 kg just in 29 days exactly for my Air force medical...

Are the peels of fruit and vegetables non biodegradable or not?

They will degrade (rot) just easily as the fruit or vegetable will.

What can a person do if they need to lose weight?

A person can lose weight by doing just two simple things. First of all eat healthy foods such as nuts, vegetables, and fruit. Also, one needs to exercise.

Can you lose weight eating nothing but popcorn for a week?

You'll probably lose weight by just eating popcorn for a week, but it will be mostly water weight and the weight you lost (and usually more) will come back on once you start eating normally. It's best to eat a varied diet with lots of lean meats, low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

What is the meaning of diet and exercise?

Diet and exercise just means the types of food and the exercise you take when trying to lose weight.For instance eating lots of fruit and vegetables and going jogging etc.

Can you lose weight if you eat an orange each day?

You will NOT lose weight just by eating an orange everyday. You need to eat right, exercise and drink plenty of water. But oranges are a good healthy fruit=]