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No. Don't stress your body weight will even out in a couple of days. Just drink water and avoid binging the following days.

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15y ago

You may gain weight after one binge, especially if you are prone to fluid retention and you binged on carbohydrates.

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gain weight. but stay healthy with it. Dont binge. Just set a goal weight and get an app.

Can you gain weight in 2 days of binge eating?

It is unlikely to gain a significant amount of weight in just 2 days of binge eating, as short-term weight fluctuations are often due to water retention and not actual fat gain. However, consistently overeating beyond your caloric needs can lead to weight gain over time. It's important to focus on overall eating habits rather than short-term fluctuations.

What are the types of binge eating?

There are a few types of binge-eating. The common ones are.... *Compulsive Over-Eating *Emotional Binge Eating *Orthorexia (complusive / excessive eating of only healthy and natural foods) *Bulimia (bingeing, and then purging afterwards so as not to gain weight)

What does a food binge do to you?

Food binges can cause weight gain, mood swings, chemical imbalances within the body, and an unhealhy relationship with food.

Is it ok to binge eat once a week?

No. Binge eating is never good. It can be very bad for health and diet, result in weight gain, cause mood swings, and allow a person to develop an unhealthy relationship with food.

What are the complications of binge eating disorder?

Binge eating can cause mental disorders, especiall those like depression. Cumpulsive over-eating during a binge can cause the stomach to distend or rupture, and lead to intestinal and bowel problems.

How do you gain weight according to a Doctor?

Well sir, I have been a doctor for 3 years now and the most common answer is simply to start binge eating. Chilly or peaanut butter and jelly are always good choices. Why do you wanna gain weight anyway bra?

Where can one find a pregnancy weight gain chart?

One can find a pregnancy weight gain chart by visiting the BabyMed website. Other places that one can find a pregnancy weight gain chart are WebMD and Baby Corner.

What are some attitudes associated with binge eating disorders?

Binge Eating is actually very similar to bulimia. The root of this is usually psychological. Some attitudes are that it leads the person into depression. On the physicial side you see weight gain and fatigue. Read more here:

Best weight gain capsule?

There is no weight gain capsule that is the best for everyone. One capsule may work well for one but not another.

How many people die a year from Binge Eating?

Actually, not too many peopledie directly from binge eating disorders. Instead, some die from side effects like weight gain, gastric distress, and occasionaly ruptured stomachs. Only a few thousand a year world wide.

Is citalopram used to treat depression and not gain weight?

I did not gain any weight when I was taking citalopram for depression and as far as I can remember weight gain is not one of the side effects if you are really worried about weight gain you could always ask your doc about effexor I've done really well on that and definitely no weight gain