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Because it has to be the complete food for the young of mammals and thus has to have EVERYTHING they need in it.

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Q: Why might you expect milk to contain so many nutrients?
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What nutrients do apples contain?

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Do sunflower seeds contain caffeine?

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No, But vegetables contain vitamins as well as many other needed nutrients.

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Yes. Many different foods contain the same nutrients.

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Excessive nutrients in the water can lead to algal overgrowth, which can smother coral and disrupt their ability to photosynthesize. This can weaken the coral and make them more susceptible to disease. Additionally, increased nutrient levels can also lead to ocean acidification, further stressing the coral.

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Vitamin B12 doesn't contain any calories. The only nutrients that contain calories are fat, carbs, protein, and alcohol. None of the vitamins and minerals do.

What are the nutrients in fruit?

That depends on the fruit, and how it's prepared. Many fruits contain sugar, vitamins, and dietary fiber. The nutrients in fruit include vitamins, minerals, water, fibre and natural sugars.

Can you grow potatoes in leaf mold that's well rotted?

No, while leafmould is a great ammendement for soil structure it does not contain many nutrients. Potatoes are heavy feeders and require good fertile soil, leaves do not contain the required NPK nutrients.

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In a cell, it's called the vacuole.

What nutrients are found mainly in fruits and vegetables?

Many vegetables contain different nutrients and vitamins. For example, sweet potatoes are high in potassium and vitamin K but not all vegetables are high in these nutrients.

A household in ancient china might contain as many generations as?

Are still living.