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People that arent think should answer this question unfortunelty i am thick .....

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Q: Why is too much nitrogen in the body harmful for you?
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How come it is not safe to have too little or too much chlorine in your water?

To little and bacteria can thrive, to much and it can be harmful to the body.

What is the name of the process that occurs when theres too much nitrogen in a water body?

. eutrophication

Is bleach harmful to your body?

Yes, it's toxic. You could die if you had too much

Can too much of an element be harmful to your body?

Yes. Too much sodium, for example, can lead to elevated blood pressure and heart disease.

How do you reduce nitrogen gas harmful effect?

Nitrogen is a fairly inert gas that has no harmful affects unless it is found in too high of quantities. This would cause oxygen deprivation. It would be a bad idea to enter a pure nitrogen environment.

Is too much all vitamins harmful to your body?

What a stupid question... Everyone knows that Vitamins which are not used will come out...

spotting after heavy?

spotting after heavy exercise means you are stressing your body too much , the bleeding itself is not harmful as it is not much but your body is under too much stress. you should listen to your body signs. I recommend you to reduce your exercise a little and see if the spotting finishes.

What if too much nitrogen enters an aquatic ecosystem?


Can too much kale be harmful?

Yes. Too much of ANYTHING can be harmful. The entire universe runs on the Goldilocks principle; too much, not enough, or just right.