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There is more than one reason that your vitamin D is low. It could be due to lack on sunshine or poor diet.

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Q: Why is my vitamin d low?
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How would you know if you lacked vitamin d?

A blood test would show if you are low in Vitamin D.

What food is low in vitamin d?


Does having low calcium affect the absorption of vitamin d?

No. It, in fact, is the opposite. Vitamin D is absorbed in the intestine, converted by UV radiation in the skin, and then helps absorb Calcium into the body. Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by a few things, a diet low in Vitamin D, low sun exposure, or it could be caused by a tumor in the parathyroid gland (but if you have low Calcium, that is not possible).

Disease due to low vitamin D?


Can low vitamin D cause a heart attack?

No, it can not.

What milk has the most vitamin D?

Orange juice fortified with vitamin D and milk fortified with vitamin D.

What are common symptoms of low Vitamin D?

The common symptoms of low vitamin D is sythnetisis to the sun light, having no energy, having pale skin and not being able to concentrate on anything.

Does acorn squash contain Vitimin D?

No, it is low in vitamin K

What type of cancer can you get through low vitamin D?

Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, including breast, prostate, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer. However, vitamin D deficiency alone is not the direct cause of cancer; rather, it is one of many factors that can contribute to an individual's overall risk of developing cancer.

What organ in activates vitamin D in bones?

The skin produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D levels are monitored by the thyroid gland, which produces a hormone when levels are low, causing the skin to produce vit. D.

Is 60000iu vitamin d weekly too much?

The normal weekly dose for someone with low Vitamin D levels is 50,000 units once or twice a week. You need to be sure your levels really are low before you take that much however. Your doctor will tell you how much Vitamin D is safe to take.

What are the warning sign lack of vitamin D?

A sweaty head is a classic signal of low Vitamin D3, the form of D the body makes from sunlight. Bone pain and muscle weakness can signal low Vitamin D levels, too. Over time, severely low D levels can cause an illness in children called rickets. In adults low D contributes to osteoporosis and the jawbone loss that accompanies periodontal disease. They're finding that Vitamin D plays many roles. Healthy D3 levels better mental outlook, improve physical energy, and fight cancer.