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junk food should not be banned for children because as long as parents buy them occasionally than it is not a matter because it is prescribed that children should at least have a balanced diet. that means that obit of healthy food and obit of junk food will help. for example you could have 5 fruit and vegetables a day and maybe Pizza and chips once a week.

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15y ago
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13y ago

kids hav a typical mentality dat when they see vegeatbles in therir food(especially grn vegetables) they wouldn't like it. from the look of it they start hating it. but in fast food they see loads of cheese and other seductive matrials so they just love it.

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14y ago

junk foods are not food that provide us with the the required nutrition, these are food of no great necessities.Children like these because they are tasty.Discourage them from eating or do not expose the environment where the junk food are available.

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How do you resist junk food when on a diet?

Eat food it doesnt materrr

Should schools banned junk food?

YES!! Junk food is terrible! CHILDREN are DYING!

Should children buy junk food?

Only occasionaly

What is a reason why kids like junk food?

Children like junk food more because it has more variety of flavor and taste better

Why do children like junk food and sweets?

Television advertisements on these food induce them to taste them.

Why are children targeted for junk food?

because children don't care about the cost and bad stuff in the junk food, whereas most adults do. If a child wants something, then they can normally persuade their parents to get if for them.

Is junk food in school bad for the future of America?

Junk food in schools sets children up to develop poor eating habits as adults. Obesity in children and teens is a growing problem. Many feel that children should be given healthier food choices.

How much junk food does children eat in a year?

4,5126,349,786 oz

Why do children get heartattacks?

because they eat too much junk food

Should children be allowed junk food?

in moderation, afterall they are kids and do not like healthy eating its more fun for them to eat junk food and it tastes great

Should children eat junk food?

Well, it depends on if their health. If they are fat and overweighted, they should not eat junk food. If they are skinny, they can eat it, but not too much.

Is junk food good for children with autism?

Junk food isn't good for any child, regarless of their neurology. For autistic children diet can be a big difference in their symptoms, also autistic people tend to be more prone to digestive problems so junk food may cause those problems to worsen too.