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It is important to rotate crops as it helps in having diverse agricultural produce. This will also benefit the soil in terms of the nutrients that it gains.

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Q: Why is it important to rotate crops?
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Do you have to rotate crops in a home garden?

It is best to rotate such crops of potatoes and brassica's each season to avoid soil borne diseases such as potato blight and club root

What did the lack of farm land cause the farmers to do?

rotate crops

Why do some farmers rotate their crops?

They rotate their crops to utilize bacteria to increase nitrogen in the soil. because diffrent crops take up diffrent nutrients so they are rotated to ensure they have a good supply of the right nutrients

Farmers often rotate crops such as beans peas and peanuswith other crops such as corn wheat and cotton?

Farmers rotate crops such as beans, peas, and peanuts with other crops such as corn, wheat, and cotton as a natural way to maintain soil nutrition. Proper crop rotation can reduce the need for adding other fertilizers.

Farmers rotate their crops regularly and grow legumes in order to?

get proteins and nutrients back in the soil

What crops are important to the economy of Italy?

the crops that are important to the economy of Italy is Farm Crops .Why I think it is important is because in the Farm Crops it has our food , vegetables , wheat , soybeans , fruits , nuts , corn , and other grains :)

What is cop rotation method?

The crop rotation method was developed to rotate crops that depleted the soil of natural nutrients with crops that redeposits those nutrients back into the soil. Usually crops are rotated season to season.

Which crops were an important part of the economy in the Southern Colonies?

Crops that were an important part of the economy in the Southern Colonies were tabacco, rice, and indigo.

Why did farmers rotate crops in the field?

If crops are not rotated, and if the field does not lie fallow occasionally, the topsoil will erode, and not be able to produce crops. That is why Mesopotamia, what was once the Fertile Crescent, is now a desert. That is why there was a Dust Bowl in the Midwest in the '30s.

How are crops important?

Crops were important because people needed crops to live because it is not only a job as a farmer but it is a good food for people to live off of.

What were the main crops in the Southern colonies?

Their important crops were:tobaccocottonriceindigosugar canecornwheat

What two crops did the Romans have?

Wheat and spelt were two important crops.