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Female athletes who have too little body fat often experience amenorrhea and loss of bone mass, which can lead to stress fractures and osteoporosis. The athlete's level of performance also decreases.

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Q: Why is it important for athletes to keep the body fat low?
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Which type of athletes have the highest percentage of body fatWhich athletes have the highest percentage on body fat?

Easy... swimmers

Why is important for humans to eat?

your body needs energy and fat to keep yourself alive

Where are body fats important in the body?

Fat is an animals way of storing energy; it keeps you alive between meals. To keep you warm.

What athletes need fat for?

Fat has a lot of energy in it, so athletes will usually need a bit of it to have the "fuel" needed to get through training. On top of that, the body also needs a small amount of fat to remain healthy. Some vitamins can only be absorbed through fat for instance.

Can playing basketball help you lose body fat?

Yes, absolutely. Keep in mind that avoiding junk food is equally important.

How does fat benefit the body?

fat can keep you extra warm when it is cold but fat isn't very good for you because it can make you very unfit and it is very hard to shift but everyone needs fat in their body to keep healthy.

Why do you need fat you are body?

to keep you insulated (for body warmth) and for food storage for if you stop eating you still have a fat storage to last you for a while to keep you going

Why is fat stored?

to keep ur body warm

What is the specific job of a fat cell?

The fat cells store excess energy from food. Fat cells are highly active. They provide triglycerides, keep the body warm, support and cushion vital organs, and help the body use carbohydrates and protein.

Women athletes who lower their body fat ratio below 20-2?

a sportswoman, runner telephone communicator businesswomen

What is the function of fat bodies in pigs?

To keep warm of your body

Why do seals have a layer of fat around their body?

They have a thick layer of fat so they can keep warm.