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if they was no dirt we wouldn't be living right now.

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Q: Why is dirt important?
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Why is nose hair important?

It is because it collects dirt!!!!

What is the most important part of a dirt bike?

The most important parts are the shocks and the motor.

What are abiotic factors important in an ecosystem?

sunlight, water, dirt

What are the most important knowledge assets at Dirt Bikes?

The most important knowledge assets at Dirt Bikes is their well educated employees . Because they are bikers themselves and involved in biking they know the most about it.

Why was a system of roads in Babylon important?

So the Babylonians didn't get dirt on their radiators.

Does dirt have germs?

Yes, dirt can contain germs, bacteria, and other microorganisms. These microorganisms can vary depending on the specific environment and the type of dirt. It's important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands after handling dirt, to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful germs.

Why is gutter cleaning an important part of home ownership?

It is important because your gutters get filled up with leaves and dirt. This could cause your gutters to not work right. If they get clogged they can come off because they fill up with leaves and dirt.

Where can you purchase red clay dirt?

You can purchase red clay dirt at landscaping supply stores, garden centers, or online retailers. It is important to check the quality of the dirt and its composition before purchasing to ensure it is suitable for your specific needs.

What was the dogs name in Joe Dirt?

The dog's name in Joe Dirt is Clem. Clem is an important companion to the main character and plays a significant role throughout the movie.

Why is performing hard drive recovery in a clean room important?

so dust and dirt dont get in it.

Why is washing every day important?

Your skin is an good conductor of dirt, baceria and other organisms

Why is it important to put an antiseptic on cuts that have got dirt in them?

To reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction