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there r alot of different people from alot of different places

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Q: Why is America called the salad bowl?
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What is the definition of tossed salad theory?

is a bowl of people of different race. just like a bowl of salad, you put lettuce, tomatoes, cuccumbers, and etc............ that is why it is called TOSSED SALAD THEORY

What is a salad bowl?

A salad bowl is a large bowl with a wide top to make it convenient to toss or mix the salad.

SALAD BOWL of the Philippines?

Benguet is the "salad bowl" of the Philippines.

How do you use salad bowl in a sentence?

I broke my mother's glass salad bowl. A large salad bowl can hold an entire family's servings, but each person has a small salad bowl for his own serving. This salad bowl was made from pottery, while most now are glass or plastic.

Where is the salad bowl of the world?

California is the salad bowl of the world, specifically Salinas Valley. So much crops are grown here promoters have labeled it the Salad Bowl of the World.

The Salad Bowl theory states that?

salad is muy deliscioso

How many servings of salad will fit into the mcdonalds salad bowl?


What is the recipe of Pizza Hut salad?

caterpillas, well thats what was in my salad bowl from pizza hut before! :s

What are some nicknames for Salinas valley and why?

"Salad Bowl of the World" is a common nickname for the Salinas Valley due to its fertile land that produces a wide variety of crops, particularly lettuce. Another nickname is "Salad Bowl of America," emphasizing the valley's significant role in agricultural production for the United States.

What does un saladier mean?

A salad bowl.

Who started the first chicken salad restaurant in America?

Terry Fraley & Bob Pope started "The First Chicken Salad Restaurant in America" in 1994. It is called "Joe's". Joe's is located in Portsmouth Va.

How many servings is a bowl of salad?

that is 1 serving.