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  • You need some to keep warm and there is a fat layer around your stomach, liver and kidneys to protect them.
  • Fat is essential to sustain life and good heath. You would die if you did not eat proteins and fats.
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12y ago

Yes, they are a good storage unit for energy. And help absorb vitamins.

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You need it for your skin and hair.

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i dnt get this website ?

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Q: Why fat is important?
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Why is it important to have fat surrounding the heart?

it is important because the fat protects the heart from abuse and keeps it warm

Why is it important we monitor fat in your diet?

It is important to monitor fat in our diet because we do not want to consume too much fat. This can cause problems with the heart. It is essential that we not eat too little fat, either.

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because there is some fat people in the notre dame as fat so fat statughts

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Garfield is important to the seventys cos hes fat and ginger and there was lots of fat ginger people in the eightys

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they're fat

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because your fat

How important is fat burning zone in running condition?

It is important to know where that zone is when you are wanting to loose weight/ burn fat. If you are running for pleasure or simply to stay in shape, it is less important.

How much weight to lose?

This depends on what your weight is now. But, it is important to have body fat. Women have more fat than male. Losing weight isn't always good, it is important you are only losing the fat.

Why is it important to make lean or low-fat choices from the meats and beans group?

It's important to make low-fat choices in general. In the case of beans and meats, the low-fat bean choices aren't as important because the beans have lots of fiber. The key is to combine low-fat choices with lots of soluble and insoluble fiber in order to properly metabolize the fat consumed.

What two important attributes of fat in food?

Flavor and texture are two key attributes of fat in food.