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Because it was God's plan

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Q: Why does this food contains starch?
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Why do Fibrous food does not have starch?

There are fibrous foods that do contain starch. Potatoes are an example of a food that contains both starch and fiber.

Why do you test for starch?

You can test for starch in food by dropping iodine on food on an agar plate, if it turns black, it contains starch.

What does a starch contains?

A STARCH is a bigger form of glucose.glucose is the product when the plant make food.

What is staple?


Is edamame a starch?

Edamame is not a starchy food. They are vegetable that contains a lot of protein and are considered to be healthy.

Why bread is starch?

yes i think bread contains starch since yeast needs sugar to wake up and make active so it will eat the starch while baking

Does corn starch contain starch?

Yes it contains starch

What is the food test for starch?

It is simply called the Starch test which is the process of testing something for the presence of starch. Add Iodine solution to whatever is it you're testing and a dark blue/black color indicates the presence of starch

What is in saliva that moistens food?

it contains enzyme amylase which digests starch,and a lubricant which makes food slippery and easy to swallow

Do bitter gourd contains starch?

no bitter gourd does not contains starch as i've studied some where

Does bread contain polysaccharides?

Yes, it contains starch and starch is a polysaccharide.

Does saliva contain starch?

Yes, saliva contains an enzyme called amylase, which helps break down starches into simpler sugars. This process begins in the mouth during chewing and continues as food moves through the digestive system.