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It still contains Kcal.

If you drink or eat more energy that you burn off, then the excess gets converted into body fat.

If you do not eat very many calories and you still drink sugar free sodas, you could actually loose weight.

It is a simple balance of how much energy you consume and how much energy you burn off

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Q: Why does sugar free sodas make you fat?
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Can you use liquid coffee whiteners that are fat free and sugar free while somersizing?

The sugar free ones usually have "dairy solids" of some sort which would mean they are partially dairy. If there is fat with the sugar free then the answer is no. If you see a fat free and sugar free and don't mind the chemicals, you will need to check the ingredients to see if it is a fat/protein or a non fat dairy category. Make sure you are combining it with the right food group with whatever you are eating it with. You could use the sugar free vanilla "syrup" and then fat free milk to make your own and then eat with a dairy / whole wheat breakfast.

Is sugar free also fat free?

No, if it is fat free it will say it is fat free.

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Sugar Free means there is no sugar in this item and Calories free means there is no fat in this item.

Is all vodka sugar free?

Yes. It contains no sugar, sodium, fat, or carbs.

Are sodas bad for you?

Sodas are usually not "bad" in small servings, but there is so much sugar that drinking too much can be unhealthy. The carbs, if not used up quickly, will store up around the body as fat. But drinking a small soda once in a while should be okay, as long as you don't drink 3 liters at once. :D

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even if they did contain sugar you would have to eat like 1,000,000 to notice any increase in weight

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Marshmallows are fat free, but the sugar can be stored as fat

Why does drinking liquid sugar make you gain weight but eating sugar doesn't?

I think that eating sugar does make you fat, because sugar builds on fat molecules, which makes you fat.

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no. . . hence the nameThere is no fat in fat free food but the sugar and carbs in the fat free food that you don't burn off as energy will be converted to body fat

What are some fat free jelly products?

Jelly doesn't contain fat. The main culprit in jelly is the sugar. The sugar turns into fat if it is not burned off. If you are looking for a healthier jelly prooduct, look for a jelly that is sugar free.

Which is less fattening a sugar free pound cake or a fat free pound cake?

Sugar free because if it is sugar free it s way more healthier

Are fat free cakes really fat free?

yes, they can be low in fat by using olive oil, however they are loaded with sugar