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we need fruit and veg to help give us a balanced diet. Having a balanced diet means that we can enjoy the more fattening foods and fruit and veg.

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Q: Why do you need fruit and vegetable in your diet?
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WHAT anemia is related to a diet that is low in fresh fruit and vegetable?

not sure

Where can I find out more about fruit diet?

If you are talking about an all fruit and vegetable diet, then I would first talk to your physician on how healthy this type of diet is. After that, I would speak to a dietician.

How can you manage constipation and haemorrhoids through diet?

In order to manage constipation and hemorrhoids through diet, you need to ensure that you are getting enough fiber in your diet. Good sources of fiber include legumes, fruit, vegetable and whole grains.

Why did Romans used to eat a diet of fruit and vegetable?

Because most of the peoples of the word eat fruit and veg. They are common in human diet. The Romans also ate meat and fish.

Which diet lets you lose weight while enjoying lots of fruit?

The Fruit Diet Meal Plan, explained in depth on, allows for a diet full of fruit, with fresh vegetable juice and flax oil also included.

Does a fruit salad need vegetables?

A fruit salad is a fruit salad. A vegetable salad is a vegetable salad. Otherwise it would be called a vegetable/fruit salad for which I am sure you could easily Google for a recipe. #LindaSpreeman

How can you get your 5 a day?

Eat more fruit and veg or try and make eating them more fun i.e smoothies or even fruit kehabs

Is a pair a fruit or a vegetable?

A pair is a fruit, not a vegetable

Can you have a fruit juice with no added sugar if you are on a diet?

Some people need to go to a diet with more fiber to lose weight and fruit juice has no fiber. Others need to worry more about carbohydrates and fruit has carbs.

How do will control high blood pressure?

diet ,more fruit and vegetable sport minimum 30 minutes/day

What will happen if eat to much fruit and vegetable?

Well, if you eat too much fruit, you might get an upset stomach, but otherwhise nothing really - you'll just be ULTRA healthy! Don't forget that you need more than just fruit and veg for a stable diet though! =)

Is cauliflower a root or a fruit or a leaf?

no a colliflower is not a fruit, it is a vegetable!!! No