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to prevent birth defects

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Q: Why do you need folate?
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Related questions

Is there a cure for folate in birth defects?

Your question doesn't make sense. Folate is a nutrient you get from food and/or supplements. Nutrients do not need cures.

Do you need to fast for B12 and folate blood test?

Fasting is generally not required for B12 and folate blood tests. These tests can be done at any time of the day without fasting.

Who is the inventor of folate vitamins?

who is the inventor of folate vitamins

Is folate a b vitamin?

Yes folate is one of the B vitamins

What is wrong with high doses of folate?

Folate has shown to play a dual role in cancer development, and high folate intake promotes advanced carcinogenesis.

Which drug has a chemical structure to folate?

Methotrexate is a drug that has a similar chemical structure to folate. It works by interfering with the process of folate metabolism in the body.

This b vitamin nutrient helps the body make new cells?


How does the MTHFR mutation affect the body's ability to process folate?

The MTHFR mutation can impact the body's ability to process folate by reducing the enzyme's efficiency in converting folate into its active form, which may lead to lower levels of active folate in the body.

Which vitamin supplement is recommended for pregnant women to help prevent neural tube defects?

You need to take Folate as Folate is responsible for cell division and growth. However, the most important time to take Folate is before you actually become pregnant as cell division happens immediately after conception. Therefor it is important that woman of child bearing age have sufficient Folate in their diet (child bearing age - as many pregnancies are not planned) Folate is found in green leafy vegetables as well as supplements, it also helps with red blood cell development.

Why are folate antagonists inactive in the presence of pus?

Folate antagonists work by inhibiting the nucleotide synthesis. Since pus provides an alternative source of nucleotides for the bacteria, the folate anatagonists can no longer work.

Is folic acid the equivalent to folate?

Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, the natural form of vitamin B9. Once consumed, folic acid is converted into folate in the body. However, some individuals may have difficulty converting folic acid to folate efficiently, which can impact its effectiveness.

What is underconsumed in the US?
