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Q: Why do you feel that the food is essential before going to bed?
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Do you feel that food is essential before going to bed?


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It really depends on what food it is and what ingredients are going into it.Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

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Should you drink before going to toilet before eating food before going to bed etc.?

You should drink water about 5 - 10 minutes before eating. That way you will be less hungry and eat less food. Which will help you lose some weight if you are trying to. Do not drink any water especially cold water during your meal as this will solidify your food when eating and it will become difficult to digest your food. Second of all, you should drink a glass of water just before going to sleep. I'm not quite sure what it does but it helps relax your body. Just drink water 5 - 10 minutes before eating. And when you sleep.