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Some vegetarians see it from The Bible about how Jesus served fish and bread that it is okay to eat fish, it's not.

People who eat fish are not vegetarians.

Many people equate the word 'animal' with 'mammal'.

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Q: Why do some vegetarians eat fish and other sea animals?
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Is dairy milk vegetarian?

Well, it depends. Vegetarianism consists of not eating animals, and may including fish and other seafood, but there are varying degrees of vegetarianism, and some vegetarians will consume dairy products and eggs, some will consume dairy products but not eggs, and some will consume neither. Being vegan is not eating animals or animal products. All vegans are vegetarians, but not all vegetarians are not vegan.

Is fish vegan?

There is no such thing as a vegan that eats fish. It's like saying what is a teetotoller who drinks alcohol. And in case if you were wondering, a vegetarian that eats fish is called a pescetarian. But a vegan does NOT eat any animals, land or sea, nor do they eat any animal byproducts.

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they do not eat insects they eat bamboo shots fish plants roots or some other wierd stuff o-o :D

What are some things that vegetarians can eat?

Everything except animals!

Do fish have meat?

The below response just shows that anyone can edit these. Fish is an animal, meat is the flesh of an animal. People who eat fish are not vegetarians, they are Pescetarians if they eat no other animals or by-products of the slaughterhouse. You can argue the technicalities of the term, different dictionary's have different definitions, but in the end fish is not suitable for vegetarians (if that's what you were wondering). ___ no its not meat! i am a vegetarian and fish is not meat. Is fish an mammal? NO so its not meat. many people consider fish meat because they think if its an animal then its meat but it is not meat.

What are the animal welfare concerns for vegetarians?

Many vegetarians worry for the safety or inhumane treatment of animals. Certain - but not all - companies and manufacturers treat the aniamls wrong in the sense that they do not feed them properly, animals live in unsafe or unsanitary conditions, animals are abused, and some other reasons.

Can vegetarians eat dairy produce and eggs?

People have different views of what it means to be a "good vegetarian." It might depend on your reason for practicing vegetarianism. If you are vegetarian because you are against killing animals for your food, eggs and dairy products do not cause the death of the animals, so there is no problem. If you are opposed to using any animal products whatsoever, for some other reason, then of course you would have to avoid eggs and milk products and many other things. If you are following some spiritual program or health program that espouses vegetarianism, you would do best to consult your advisor or coach on what practices are required and why.

If vegetarians don't eat mammals can't they eat fish and seafood?

Many vegetarians do not eat any animals- including mammals, reptiles,birds fish or seafood. Their choice. They decide what they want- and don't want- to eat. Some religions place religious restrictions on diet. Again, up to them to make a choice.

What do marine fishes eat?

Some are vegetarians and eat marine plants.Some eat coralOthers are carnivorous and eat other marine animals.

Are red pandas vegetarians?

Primarily, yes, however they do eat some insects, birds, bird eggs and other small animals.

Are birds vegetarians?

No, birds are not vegetarians. Many birds are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant matter and insects, while others are carnivores and primarily eat other animals.

Are flying fish nice to other animales?

There are over 50 different types of species of flying fish. Some of these species are harmful to other animals, fish, and insects. Other species of flying fish are nice to other animals and cause no strife or harm.