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Q: Why do some foods have to be cooked in fats and oils?
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What are some examples unsaturated fats?

Oils are unsaturated fats.

Why plants use oils but not fats as fats provide more energy than oils?

Fats and oils are the same thing. Oils are often plant based fats, while animal based fats aren't typically referred to as oils. Oils and fats both provide 9 kilocalories of energy per gram. Animal based fats are typically comprised of saturated and monounsaturated fats, while plant based fats are mostly polyunsaturated fats with some saturated fats and some monounsaturated fats. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, while oils (unsaturated fats) are liquid at room temperature. Some plant based oils high in saturated fats are: cocoa butter, coconut oil, palm oil, and avocado oil,... among others. Some like cocoa butter (used to make chocolate) have more saturated fats (57-64%) than pork fat (lard) [35%]. Though beef fat (and butter), at 80-95%, most definitely have the highest percentage.

What foods are more healthy than others?

Generally speaking, foods with fewer fats and sugars are more healthy than those with much fat and/or sugar. Also, some foods have many chemical preservatives in them which are not good for the body. Watch the number of fats, oils, and sugars and chemicals you put into your body.

What is fats lipids?

Some examples of fats and lipids are: butter, oils, fat off of pork and things.

What foods contain mono unsaturated fats?

Salmon, almonds and Olive Oil are some examples of foods that containunsaturated fats

What is a good diet for a person with rheumatoid arthritis?

Some food to try to avoid when you have Rheumatoid arthritis, is foods high in saturated fats and high in Omega 6 fatty acids. These are mostly animal products and foods made with vegetable oils.

Why are fats and oils used in cooking?

Fats and oils have amazing properties and are invaluable in cooking for many reasons .Fats are fantastic at transfering heat during cooking.Deep frying food is not only delicious but a very effective method of cooking food swiftly and sealing in the nutrients . Other methods of frying are sautéing or pan frying in a skillet , wok or pan .Many fried foods develop a crust while the inside remains tender and moist because hot oil transfers high levels of heat to the surface of food. Oils in the forms of dressings are actually added to salads to release certain vitamins locked in vegetables that are only released when consumed with fats , for examples Vitamins A, E, D, and K. Some oils and fats such as Macadamia and Avocado actually benefit the heart and reduce harmful cholesterol levels. Olis and Fats also retain flavours and the addition of herbs ,spices or garlic is a common method of transfering flavour to the entire dish. Oils and fats are also used to preserve foods and extend their shelf life e.g Olives ,Fetta cheese,Herring etc . Also fat-soluble compounds are responsible for many foods flavor . Fats and oils are also used to stop foods such as cakes or biscuits from sticking to the tims or baking trays they are cooked in. In areas where food is scarce or exceptionally cold fats are an easy way to increase the calorific value of food with more than double the calories of carbohydrates or protein. Because fats take longer to digest than carbohydrates or proteins they can provide sustained energy and delay hunger. Fat is essential to pastry making because when fat is added to dough, like in biscuits and pie crusts, the fat gets in the way of the gluten formation (gluten makes bread nice and chewy) and the result is a crisp flakey texture. Fats and oils are renowned for their mouth feel and their ability to keep or make foods moist. Dry cakes or scones are often served with cream and crackers or chips are often served with high fat content dips or spreads not just for the delicious taste but to increase their edibility .The addition of fat makes the creamy texture of many items like cheeses, ice cream, chocolate mayonnaise and sauces. Imagine a world without doughnuts or french fries ? It is the oils or fats these foods are cooked in that make them taste delightful and in moderation these foods are fine.

What is the best food that will help lower cholsterol and why?

Some foods to help lower your cholesterol are foods that are low in salt, sugar and fats. Some of these foods are whole wheat and good fats that come from Salmon.

What are some food examples of fats?

Some common examples of fats in food include avocado, nuts, seeds, fatty fish like salmon, oils such as olive oil and coconut oil, and dairy products like cheese and butter.

Where do you get fats from?

The food we eat. Some of the food items like cheese, butter, oils etc have a lot of fat in them. So, when we consume them, it would get stored in the body as fat. Apart from this, if you consume excess calories, the body usually converts these excessive calories into fat and stores them as well.

When meat is cooked does it get bigger?

No, when meat is cooked, it shrinks to some extent, because juices - fats and water - run out and evaporate.

What are some healthy ways of cooking pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds can be cooked in a number of healthy ways. Some of these ways can be to not salt the seeds but simply eat them plan and by not cooking them in any form of fats or oils you will have perfectly fine and very healthy seeds.