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because everyone reacts differently to the ingredients in the pills

plus pills are a very bad choice to use, as once your off them you'll bounce back to your normal eating habits, thus resulting in faster weight gain...and im sure you do not want that.

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Q: Why do some diet pills increase the appetite?
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What diet pills provide you with fast fat burn and increased energy?

Many diet pills contain amphetamines or, in the case of over-the-counter, caffeine or ephedrine, all of which serve to increase the heart rate. This may create a feeling of more energy or it may create a feeling of anxiety. Stepping up the heart rate can sometimes decrease appetite, though for some, it increases the appetite as some people soothe anxiety with food. No diet pills "fast burn fat." Exercise and aerobic activity burns fat, which results in fat loss. Increased exercise and weight loss increase energy.

Can Diet Coke increase fat?

It can actually do that, indirectly. There is some evidence that artificial sweeteners messes with your sense of appetite and fullness.

Do diet pills truly work in suppressing your appetite?

There are many varieties of weight loss pill and all have differing effects on your body. Some act as appetite suppressants, some act as diuretics and others may increase your metabolism. You should always check with your doctor before trying a new pill since many are not regulated by the FDA and may include other chemicals that could have an adverse affect on you.

Who has lost weight with diet pills?

Diet pills alone do not make you lose weight. Some are appetite suppressants, which should be taken only after medical advice. There is no magic cure for weight loss. No matter what advertising you see if it claims to be a medicine to make you lose weight, it is probably a ploy to take your money.

What are some diet pills?


What are some of the top diet pills?

some of the best diet pills on the market today include such pills as Apidexin and phenphedrine but always seek your doctors advice before consuming

Do diet pills make you sleepy?

Diet pills containing caffeine have that effect on some people, as the pill wears off.

Are there any diet pills available for quick fat loss?

The body requires a specific number of calories to maintain its weight and/or gain more weight. The loss of excess body fat requires deficit calories, that is, eating fewer calories than are consumed in the course of a day's activities. Taking pills does not create deficit calories. There are some "diet pills" that may help to reduce cravings and one's appetite, but there is no pills that in and of itself rids the body of fat.

Is diet pill a depressant?

No. Diet pills usually have some sort of stimulant included.

Can diet pills make you show positive for amphetamines in a drug screen?

Yes some prescription diet pills do. Like phenermine, and phendimetrazine both will.

Are there any pills to help obesity?

Diet Pills and Miracle Pills. But, don't do either one. Diet Pills Affect Your Heart, And Miracle Pills Are Tapeworm Eggs. Just do some exercise. Only Lazy People Sit Around And Wait For Fat Helping Products.

Can you become dependent on diet pills?

Anything can become an addiction. Some diet pills are not supposed to be taken for the long term. It is best to look at the label on the specific diet pill and read it very carefully.