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it sprouts because potatoes are root vegetables

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Q: Why do potatoes sprout?
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Potatoes start to sprout when the temperature rises. If your seed potatoes are kept cool, they will not sprout before you wish to plant them.

How do you prevent potatoes from sprouting?

To keep potatoes from sprouting, keep them in the dark, in a cool, dry place. Light and warmth will encourage them to sprout.

What can you do with potato seeds?

Planting potato seeds will sprout potatoes. However, in order to get edible potatoes, you will need to let the potato grow, then once you have a grown potato, you will have to cut off part of the potato and replant it.

What should you do if potatoes sprout in the compost heap?

You either turn them over so they compost or you let them grow and use them. It is better to remove potatoes from your compost heap turning them over will make no difference.

When do red potatoes expire?

Red potatoes are good for about two to three weeks, as long as they are stored in a well ventilated room. Red potatoes do not need to be refrigerated.

What happens if you leave a potato chip in the closet?

Potatoes can be eaten between reproduction cycles. When you pick a potato let it sit -- anywhere -- soon it will begin to sprout roots, which look for soil in which to propagate more potatoes. Depending on what's in your closet and where you leave the potato, it may find 'nutrient' there in which to burrow believing that it's time to sprout, root and grow more potatoes.

When do potatoes sprout?

In response to external conditions and internal biochemistry can be considered the time when sprouts open. The timing depends upon the sprout in question. It also responds to the particular configuration of specific air, heat, light, and moisture conditions.

What are the organs of the vegetative propagation in a potato?

The potato / tuber is used for propagation.

Seed for potato?

If you want to plant potatoes, you would not want "seed" you would want seed potatoes. If you look at a potato , you will see what are called eyes, which are actually sprouts. Cut the potato into 1/4 sections, having several eyes on each section. Plant this and with ample moisture, it will sprout. Plant approx. 3" deep. If you leave one in the bag, too long, it can also sprout, but will not make potatoes. potatoes are a tuber, and new potatoes will form on the root system in the ground. ( nodules)

What is the meaning of chit?

The embryo or the growing bud of a plant; a shoot; a sprout; as, the chits of Indian corn or of potatoes., A child or babe; as, a forward chit; also, a young, small, or insignificant person or animal., An excrescence on the body, as a wart., A small tool used in cleaving laths., To shoot out; to sprout., Chideth.

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