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Salivation when a hungry person smells something edible is a natural response. The body anticipates eating when it smells food and sends the message to the mouth to produce more saliva to help break down the food.

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Q: Why do people drool when they smell something and they are hungry?
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Are there pugs that don't shed?

No. All dogs drool. Drooling is caused by excessive saliva, which is produced if you're really hungry, if you see food or if you smell food. Humans drool too - except that we have better swallowing capabilities than dogs, so most of our drool just ends up in our stomach.

What does dog drool smell like?

Dog drool is saliva, just luck human saliva. This means that the smell of the drool depends on what the dog ate and which bacteria live within the dog's mouth.

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Why does your cat smell?

eather it just farted or its hungry,cats smell when their hungry

When you smell something what does that tell you about the molecules in the air?

That means that the air smells enough for you to actually smell iy and it kinda gets u hungry

Does your sense of smell affect your sense of sight?

yes and you should always know to not look at something yummy or youll get hungry

Why does drool smell like it does?

drool smells? It dose because of how are body is. well think of it like this if you just finished a garlic and cheese samwich, your breath would stink wouldn't it? this is with out brushing okay also if your teef are in terrible shape you drool will stink an obviously you spit too that's why i think drool smells the way it dose.

Why do people smell like people?

When you smell something, you are actually taking in tiny, microscopic partials of that thing. A persons smell is the byproduct of their environment and their biology.

What is the subject and verb in this sentence The smell of freshly baked bread at the bakery near your apartment is making you hungry?

The smell.The smell is making you hungry. - this is the basic sentence

What does upper lip smells mean?

It means that you smell something that other people can't smell and they say your upper lip cause only you can smell your upper lip

What reflex action occur when you are hungry and smell cooking food?

your stomach grumbles