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Cattle are herbivores, fields or grasslands is a natural way of ingesting the needed nutrients.

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Q: Why do cows live in fields?
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What animals live in the field?

§Cows are kept in the field, too eat and get exercise.Horses are allowed in fields for exercise and to for leisure.•Sheep live in fields. you missed out butterflies and earth worms

A cow live in a?

Cows are herd animals. They prefer to live in fields where they can find plenty of nice green grass to eat. When the fields are fenced, they are called pastures. Cows can also live in barns, where they are fed a special formula of oats and other food. They then produce a lot of milk. Usually dairy cows are given a yard they can walk around in, called a corral. Sometimes the barns are not completely enclosed, and then they are called sheds.

What animals lives in the flat lands?

Most animals that live in flat lands are able to graze in the fields. Animals like

Why are there lots of dung beetles in fields where cows are kept?

There are lots of dung beetles in fields with cows because dung beetle eat dung (animal dropping)

Why do horseshoe bats live close to field where cows are kept?

Horseshoe bats often roost near fields where cows are kept because the cows attract insects, such as beetles and moths, which the bats feed on. The bats find a stable food source near these fields, allowing them to easily hunt for prey at night.

What gas is produced from rice fields and cows?


What does grows in fields and cows like to eat it?


What is a word for Milks the cows and plows the fields?

A Farmer.

Where do cows live that starts with the letter B?

Cows live in a barn.

Where do cows live?

Domesticated cattle live on farms, or ranches and are kept in barns or other means of shelter. In the wild they would live in woody areas with large amounts of grass land. They are domesticated, so they 'live' where ever we put them. Most likely in barns on farms and in fields, on farms.

Which gas contributes to global warming and is released from cows and rices fields?

Methane is the gas that is released from cows and rice fields. It is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

Do cows live in Sweden?

There are plenty of cows in Sweden.