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It causes bubbles in the cells which can kill/cause cancer!

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Q: Why children should not run and jump shortly after eating?
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How do you use space jump on Metroid fusion?

To use the space jump, you need to press the jump button again shortly after reaching the top of your previous jump.

Is it illegal to build a hot air balloon in your backyard?

If you have children, it should be illegal to have a balloon ready to jump into and take off.

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What do the inuit children do?

Well in general, alot of things that normal children do like play, run, jump, and lots of other things. You should specify your question a little more.

How many children at a jump party?

Jump party is very funny and amazing event where a lot of children takes participate and it is not possible to tell the exact amount of children in this party.

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a rabbit moves by eating to get energy for his/her legs to jump.

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What are south Korea's eating and exercise habits?

just eating bread and jump rope alot!! i did it and it worked!! good luck!!

Annie jump cannon have children?

Annie Jump Cannon did not have any children. She dedicated her life to her work as an astronomer, making significant contributions to the field, particularly in the classification of stars.

How long should you wait before you can enter a pool after eating?

depens on what you eat has for me i dont wait and nuthing happens to me some people say 30 mins but it really dont

Can baby sheep jump after birth?

Yes, baby sheep, or lambs, are usually able to stand and even jump shortly after birth. They are quite agile and will start exploring their surroundings within hours of being born.

Are jump ropes supports to touch the ground?

jump ropes should touch the ground. It is easier to jump.