The undigested food is passed on to large intestine where water is absorbed from the undigested food and it become almost semi-solid. Now the undigested food is acted upon by putrefying bacteria which convert the undigested food into faeces are stored in the rectum from where the egected out through anus and it is controlled by anal sphincter.
Undigested food leaves the body through the anus. It goes from the small intestine to the large intestine and then exits through the butt hole.
No, undigested food is not part of body cells. Undigested food consists of components that the body was unable to break down and absorb during the digestion process. The body processes undigested food differently, such as excreting it through feces.
How does digested food get into our blood?once almost fully digested the food moves through the inestines, while the waste moves on to be excreted, the nutrients and such which are a great use to the blood cells are absorbed through the walls of the intestines. Thus into our bloodstream. And that first you need to chew and it will go to your blood stream
Undigested food passes along through the large intestine, here the water is absorbed from the undigested food into the body. Once it has passed along the undigested food ends up in the rectum.
Undigested food leaves the Paramecium through a structure called the anal pore, which serves as the organism's anus. The anal pore is located at the posterior end of the Paramecium and allows undigested food particles to be expelled from the cell.
large intestine
Undigested food
No undigested food can (is allowed to) enter the blood vessels - if it were to do so it would kill you. You question therefore makes no sense.
Water in the undigested food will not be absorbed and the undigested food will be watery
Waste is removed through a designated opening
Undigested food waste is excreted through the anus.