It's a way to measure the available energy in the food you eat. All excess food (as measured in calories) is converted into fat.
facuses on the infortant
because they give us oxygen, shelter, food and money .
Yes it is very healthy for you and it burns callories from cokes burgers and other food of many callories.
It depends on the brand and what kind. You can find it on the package for major brands.
Fried chicken has more calories.
No but there is a patent pending Cronometer under review now that will.
1 tea spoon coconut oil = 1.5 tea spoons of callories
Depends what kind/brand of beer it is, mainly around 600 callories though.
your just overeating and when your finally full but keep eating your body doesnt know what to do with all those extra calories so it turns them to fat. If you wanna stop overeating you need to take time and stop eating so fast to pay attention to what your body thinks cause if your going to fast youll never know what your body thinks.
I am not sure but i think it is 3000 callories
It depends on what type of pasta it is, how big the bowl is, whether you use any sauce, and if you weigh it out etc...
Picking less fatty foods and foods with less callories in them.