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People naturally gain about 2 pounds a day and by exercising you are replacing fat with muscle which ways more than fat. Plus, its not your weight that matters its how your body looks.

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Q: Why are you not losing weight if you work out every day?
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exsuresise every day

Can you lose a pound every day?

There are many people that can lose a pound of weight every day but it is not healthy to do so. Losing one to two pounds a week is a good amount to lose.

Does skipping everyday will help losing weight?

yes because boxers skip almost every day and they all never go fat.

If you wear a sweatshirt when you work out do you lose mostly water weight?

If you are losing water weight then you are water deprived. Drink more water through out the day and this will fix the problem.

Can eating less meals help you lose weight?

no, that would just make you unhealthy. The key to losing weight is to eat different food every day, and to exercise, If you eat the same food every day your body will just store it as fat and you NEED to exercise.

Important Tip on Losing Weight?

Eating a diet that is rich in good carbohydrates is a great way to lose weight. The reason so many people have a problem losing weight is because they do not necessarily know what types of diets work for them and which ones they should avoid. Before participating in any diet, it is a good idea to set yourself a plan and keep at it every single day so that you can lose as much weight as possible.

What can you do if you are trying but not losing weight?

If you burn more calories than you consume in a day, you will lose weight.

What is good specific weight loss plan?

I'd say to have 2 fruits for every snack and work out every other day.

How often should you train?

People who are weight training should work out no more than every other day. To do weight and strength training every day would result in muscle tears and other stress injuries.

Go Running Every Day?

Using a proform tread mill every day can help aid a person's journey to weight loss. If a person goes running every day for at least 20 minutes, then he or she is on the road to losing weight fast. Consuming a diet that is filled with vegetables and protein is also essential for a weight loss program that involves a tread mill. Going running every day is also an act that will help a person feel energized and alive on a daily basis. If one wants to feel more energetic at work, then a great way to increase energy levels is by running on a tread mill.

Does the 3 apple a day diet work?

According to, the 3 apple a day diet does work in the aspect of reducing hunger, therefore eating less, and losing weight. However, the article does suggest that the dieter CAN eventually become bored with apples at every meal and discontinue the diet thus rearing the diet ineffective.

Do you lose weight when you poop 2 a day?

Yes, in a way depending on the person. If you do not defecate generally every other day you may experience weight gain, stomach cramps and feeling uncomfortable. If you do defecate every other day or every day you should not experience these problems associated to your bowels unless it is something else. By defecating twice a day this would usually mean that your inner workings are operating fine.