protein repairs your damaged muscle after working out. when you use resistance based machinery to build muscle, you actually create tiny tears in your muscles and, as with anything, when it repairs itself it grows larger and stronger. the more protein in your diet, the greater the increase up to a certain point.
Protein is the building block for muscle. How muscle is gained, is when you work out the muscle fibers tear and rebuild stronger over and over. When you work out, especially to muscle failure, you have a 30-60 minute window to consume protein to feed your starving muscles. Doing so helps with recovery time, and helps them grow back faster and stronger than without.
The cost of a protein shake is approximately 4 dollars.
Add vinegar and measure the protein precipitate. Mass of precipitate/mass of shake x100= % protein
They are just as effective as making your own protein shake at home.
Some companies that sell protein powder can offer a free sample of protein mix to make you own shake. Jamba juice also runs promotions for a free shake and they offer protein shakes.
Maybe you should eat.
Strawberry and chocolate protein shake are the most popular flavors, however this should not influence you when choosing protein shake flavours since what matters most is what you like.
A good protein shake should have at least 30g of protein per serving. For body builders this usually who usually take two servings at a time, will get 60g per shake.
take 5 eggs no shell and shake it
Drink a protein shake.
You should eat a banana and a protein shake after workout after refreshing and having a shower.
yes. a protein shake is food. it contains nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein and water. anything that contains nutrients is considered food. yes. a protein shake is food. it contains nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein and water. anything that contains nutrients is considered food.