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yes the grow hair on your pickle

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Q: Why are peanuts so good?
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Related questions

Are foam peanuts good for you?

I personally don't think so.

What are the disadvantages of eating peanuts?

If you are eating peanuts in limited quanitity then peanuts are good for your health,for your memory boosting and to provide protein to body but you are eating in large quanitity then might be there is chances of increasing fats n in your body. So please eat peanuts in limited manner, it is very good for health

How good are peanuts?

they are good

Are roasted peanuts good for dogs?

No, dogs do not digest peanuts.

What if someone eats peanuts all day is that bad?

peanuts are good for you if thy are unsalted. They are a great source of good fats, vitamins and minerals, just don't eat so much because they are high in calories.

What can eating excessive amounts of peanuts do to your body?

I am recovering from mercury posioning and had candida with mercury posioning and doctors suggested, I not eat peanuts. Peanuts have mold and peanut products. Mold has been known to cause headaches. This is what was told to me so I do not eat peanuts anymore. Good Luck

Are peanuts fatening?

No, they are good for you.

Is it good to eat raw peanuts?

AnswerRaw peanuts have plenty of protein which can be good for you.So in otherwords....yes!!!!!!!! moo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is peanut a junk food?

not really. peanuts are actually good for you. salted peanuts are not!

Why are peanuts so important to Virginia?

Because Virginia made the peanuts and they make the most peanuts in America

Do peanuts have protein and if so, how much protein do they contain?

Yes, peanuts contain protein. They are a good source of plant-based protein, with about 7-9 grams of protein per ounce.

Why do you plant peanuts?

So you can buy salted peanuts at the ball park.