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Q: Why are dietary reference values important?
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Why are DRI values not used on food labels?

because dri is a dietary reference intake it's important to let people know what they are intakeing

A What does DRI stand for and what are they used for?

DRI stands for Dietary Reference Intakes. They are a set of reference values used for planning and assessing nutrient intake levels for healthy individuals. DRI includes a range of values, such as Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), Adequate Intake (AI), Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL), and Estimated Average Requirement (EAR).

The Dietary Reference Intakes may be used to?

The dietary reference intakes may be used to plan and evaluate diets for halthy people.

Where and how are daily values used?

Daily Values are the daily dietary intake standards used for nutrition labeling on foods and dietary supplements.

What is the Most important dietary complex carbohydrates?

Starches are the most important dietary complex carbohydrate.

Standards for planning nutritious diets for groups of people are called?

Dietary reference intake

Would you expect the energy content values that you measured to be close to the value listed in dietary books why?

The measured energy content values may vary from those listed in dietary books due to differences in methodology, food sources, and variations in individual metabolisms. It's important to consider the accuracy of the testing methods and the specific context in which the measurements were taken to assess the discrepancy.

Is array list value type or reference type?

Arrays are reference type. array values are always pass by reference.

The Dietary Reference Intakes were established to refocus nutrient recommendations toward preventing what?

chronic diseases.

How do you use frame of reference in a sentence?

In physics, a frame of reference is a set of criteria or stated values in relation to which measurements or judgments can be made. Here is an example sentence: When describing the motion of an object, it is important to specify the frame of reference being used, such as the stationary ground or a moving car.

What is daily reference value?

The Daily Reference Values are values for nutrients and food components for which no set of standards (e.g., the RDAs or US RDAs) previously existed ~ Reference Nutritional Assessment 4th edition Lee & Nieman pg 47

What rifle is the cross reference of a Pioneer Model 24?

BLue Book of Gun Values has cross reference table.