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Q: Which two types of nutrient provide most of the energy in our diet?
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What 2 types of nutrients provide most energy?

Carbohydrates and Proteins provide most of the energy in our diet

Which two types of nutrient provide most of the energy in your diet?

Protein and carbohydrates both contain 4 calories per gram and fats contain 9.2 calories per gram. If we are discussing fast energy transfer, simple carbohydrates and fats provide the most available energy

Which nutrient provides energy and provides bulk in the diet?

Carbohydrates are the nutrient that provides energy for the body. Fiber is the nutrient that provides bulk in the diet and supports healthy digestion.

Which nutrient is the arctic diet rich in?

The nutrient that the arctic diet is rich in protein. This diet is also rich in fat as well as carbohydrates which are needed for energy. In this climate people use greater amounts of energy and a diet higher in carbohydrates is needed.

What is ABCDMV?

1. Adequacy: The diet should provide all the essential nutrients, fiber, and energy in amounts sufficient to maintain health. 2. Balance: the diet should provide foods of all types in proportion to each other such that foods high in some nutrients do not "crowd out" foods high in other nutrients. 3. (k)Caloric Control: manage food energy intake. 4. (Nutrient) Density: select foods that deliver the most nutrients for the least food energy. "High nutrient Density." 5. Moderation 6. Variety

What nutrient should be present in higher amounts in the diet of a child under 6 months of age than in a diet of an older child or an adult?

Fat. Infants need fat to provide energy and to allow their rapid growth and brain development.

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what is the main nutrient the body needs

What types of foods should be included in the best training diet for athletes?

protein is the essential nutrient for an athletes. by Dagne Abraham.

Why are proteins an essential nutrient to include in a balanced diet?

Why are proteins an essential nutrient to include in a balanced diet?

What low fat diet plans provide good nutrition?

There is no other nutrient that can replace fat. I would suggest eating aprox %20 of your diet in healthy fats from nuts and legumes as they are easier on your heart.

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What type of nutrient are vitamins?

Most vitamins are a type of nutrient that you have to get through your diet because your body cannot make them on its own. They support regular body functions. Other types of nutrients are water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, and minerals. Try an internet search for "Types of Nutrients" for more information!