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Q: Which organic compounds enables the body to absorb Vitamins A D E and K?
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Organic compounds must exhibit what property in order to be visualized by UV light?

Organic compounds must absorb UV light in order to be visualized by UV light. The absorption of UV light causes electronic transitions in the compound, resulting in its visualization.

What does micellized mean?

The term "micellized" refers to a chemical process that changes the molecular structure of certain compounds (vitamins, for instance) so the body can more easily absorb them.

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Does modelling clay absorb water?

Yes it will. Usually it is a mixture of organic ingredients and anything organic will absorb water.

Why liquid parafin absorb vitamins A D E K?

These vitamins are lipid soluble .

What is the purpose of the Na2So4 in organic compound?

Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) is commonly used in organic chemistry as a drying agent to remove water from organic compounds. It helps to absorb any remaining water molecules in the organic phase and aids in the separation of the organic compound from water during extraction or purification processes.

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the colored compounds in them are chloroplast and chlorophyll that are colored green and absorb light for the process of photosynthesis....

How are lipids used in the body?

Store energy and absorb vitamins.

How do fungi use their hyphae?

Fungi use their hyphae to absorb nutrients from their environment. The hyphae grow into the substrate, releasing enzymes that break down organic matter into simpler compounds which are then absorbed by the fungus. It also helps in anchoring the fungus in place.