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If you want to try out weight loss exercises and you are just starting out, it is recommended that you consult your doctor first. They will evaluate you to see which areas you need to build strength on before trying the weight loss exercises. You may also ask them for medical advice because they will give you the advice that's right for you body.

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Q: Which is a better weight loss exercise for someone starting out?
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Can someone do the same exercise and another person but lose more weight?

Sure. What you eat and drink is more important for weight loss than exercise.

How can someone reduce weight?

There are number of ways such as diet, exercise and diet supplements. I had achieved my weight loss goal by diet and exercise together, I will say its the best way to reduce weight.

What type of exercise will make you lose weight fast but not your butt or breast?

aerobic exercise will work better than anaerobic, but there is no way to control where you lose the weight.

Does eating raisins before exercise help you to lose weight?

Not really. But, eating raisins will provide some energy, which can make you perform the workout better. And if you exercise better, you get fitter, which will eventually help you with your weight loss.

Is exercise good?

Yes. Exercise is good for you. You feel better, look better, and your body will function better when you eat right and exercise. It maintains your weight and improves health. You will live longer and can reduce the risk of diseases like hypertension, cancer, etc. It makes you stronger. It will also make you fitter and give you benefits like high energy and being able to feel good and be happy. Exercise is very good for you as long as you do not have certain types of health problems. It is always better to consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Why should you exercise for your flabby stomach?

You should exercise to lose weight. Also, you will look better and be in better shape. Doing sit-ups helps to to exercise your stomach. Also, try dieting.

What are some weight watcher secrets to losing weight?

Use a better program. It's called Diet and Exercise.

What kind of weight-loss pills is better?

sorry to tell you, but NONE will do, exercise and eating healthy are your only options to lose weight.

How do you prevent gain weight while taking birth control?

To prevent weight gain on birth control, don't change how much you eat or exercise. If you were gaining weight before starting birth control, you'll probably continue to gain weight after starting birth control.

What are some pros of exercise fitness?

Pros of exercise fitness are, weight loss, better health, adds a couple of years to your life, and helps you stay fit.

How does someone create a successful diet and exercise plan?

Someone can create a successful diet and exercise plan by using a health and fitness program. One example of this is the Weight Watchers program, which can be accessed online from their website.

How much exercise should an 11 year old girl do to lose weight?

If you are 11 years old, then exercise for the enjoyment of it. You will look and feel better, even if you do not lose any weight. Do not try to lose weight unless your doctor tells you to do so. You can harm your health.