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co2 and water i guess

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Q: Which inorganic substances does a plant use to make carbohydrate?
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Are whales autotrophs?

An autotroph is an organism that can create nutritional substances from simple inorganic substances, like a plant that undergoes photosynthesis. As a whale cannot do this, no, they are not autotrophs, they are heterotrophs.

What Organisms that make their own organic compounds from inorganic substances are called?

Organisms that make their own organic compounds from inorganic substances are called autotrophs. They are capable of photosynthesis or chemosynthesis to produce their own food.

What term is applied to organisms that can make organic food from inorganic substances?

A chemotroph makes organic compounds from inorganic compounds.

What is an organism that uses sunlight and inorganic substances to make organic compounds?

A plant is an example of an organism that uses sunlight and inorganic substances to make organic compounds through the process of photosynthesis. This process involves converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a form of sugar that can be used as energy for the plant.

What is the definition of the term autotroph?

An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food using inorganic compounds as a source of energy, typically through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Autotrophs are able to sustain themselves without consuming other organisms.

What are the inorganic substance do a plant use to make food?

Plants use inorganic substances such as water, carbon dioxide, and minerals like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to make food through a process called photosynthesis. Water is absorbed through roots, carbon dioxide is taken from the air, and minerals are absorbed from the soil to synthesize glucose and other nutrients in the presence of sunlight.

Why are organic substances important?

Because our body use them in all the biochemicals reactions that allow us to live. They are necessary, some in small doses some in bigger. That is why we separate them in macronutrients (inorganic molecules used in big quantity) and micronutrients (inorganic molecules used in small quantities)"

What do plants make?

Plants make their own food through a process called photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen. This process is crucial for the plant's survival and growth.

Which bacteria use inorganic substances instead of sunlight to make carbohydrates are?

Chemoautotrophic bacteria utilize inorganic substances, such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, or iron, instead of sunlight for the process of chemosynthesis to produce carbohydrates. Examples include sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and nitrifying bacteria.

Make three generalisations about the action of plant growth substances?

Plant growth substances, also known as plant hormones, regulate various aspects of plant growth and development. They work at very low concentrations throughout the plant. These substances include auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, and ethylene. They can influence processes such as cell elongation, cell division, seed germination, and fruit ripening.

Name five substances that plants make from glucose produced in photosynthesis?

Starch - a storage carbohydrate used to store excess glucose. Cellulose - a structural carbohydrate that forms cell walls. Lipids - used for energy storage and structural purposes. Proteins - synthesized using amino acids derived from glucose. Plant pigments such as chlorophyll, carotenoids, and anthocyanins for various functions.

What terms describes an organism that can make its own energy from inorganic substances?

Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own energy from inorganic substances through processes such as photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. They do not rely on consuming other organisms for energy.