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Pasta does.

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Q: Which has more total carbohydrates pasta or potatoes?
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Where online can I find low car diets?

Low carb diets are kind of famous, such as the Atkins diet. It involves eating a lot of meat instead of any pasta, potatoes or carbohydrates. You can find out more about it on the Atkins website.

What is complex sugar?

Complex sugars are also known as complex carbohydrates and there are three or more units of sugar in them. Complex sugars include assimilable polysaccharides, including pasta and potatoes, and non-assimilable polysaccharides that include green vegetables.

Examples of a Carbohydrate?

Carbohydrates are found in foods like fruits, vegetables, grains (such as rice, bread, and pasta), and dairy products (like milk and yogurt). Sugars, starches, and fibers are all types of carbohydrates that provide energy for the body.

Are bread and pasta carbohydrates worse than carbohydrates in fruits?

Yes, they are "worse" because they refined processed carbohydrates. Whereas, vegetables and fruits are natural carbohydrates. See the page link listed under Related Questions for more in-depth information. .

What type of carbohydrates should you avoid if you are a vegetarian?

Carbohydrates should be, and can be, consumed by both vegetarians and meat-eaters. Sources of carbohydrates are potatoes, rice and pasta. However, if you are concerned about products containing carbohydrates and products from animals, an example of this is pasta -- some types of pasta contain eggs, so therefore if you are a vegan you should check the ingredients on the package before you consume the pasta. However, pure and natural carbohydrates such as potatoes can be eaten by anyone. It is best to try to stick to complex carbohydrates. These are the type found in whole grains and vegetables. They take longer to digest so they will sustain you for longer. Complex carbs also take less insulin to digest. This will help a person avoid the energy ups and downs throughout the day. Most people, not just vegetarians, should try to limit their use of simple carbohydrates. This is especially true of diabetics. A very general rule of thumb is that the more processed the food is, the more likely it is to be simple carbohydrates. An example of this is wheat. Whole wheat is much better for you before it is processed into white flour. Snacking on simple carbs can potentially cause spikes and crashes in insulin levels. This is what you get when you eat a huge candy bar. There is the initial energy rush and then the sluggishness that follows. Eating foods with complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and vegetables, will also help you keep a healthier digestive system.

Two high energy carbohydrates?

You can get quick energy from simple carbohydrates like sugars. However, this is not satisfying in the long-term, and can be very unhealthy. If you need high-energy carbs, it is best to look for healthy, complex carbohydrates that are going to be more nutritious and satisfying. Some good examples of high energy carbohydrates are: Rolled oats Lentil soup Fresh figs Roasted chestnuts Blueberries Yogurt Rice Bran Whole Wheat Pasta Sweet Potatoes

What carbohydrates are suitable for vegetarians?

* Foods high in carbohydrates include breads, pastas, beans, potatoes, bran, rice and cereals. All of these are vegetarian. * Fruits are suitable for vegetarians All fruits contain carbohydrate. For more information about the amount of carbs (or calories) in fruit, see the related question, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What food are there in the rice and alternatives group?

They are :Fruits ,vegetables ,meat , grain , dairy products ,pasta ,cakes ,corn ,potatoes and many more

What food group does sweetcorn go in?

Sweet corns falls under the category of carbohydrates, as does pasts, rice, potatoes, wheat, barley, oats and more.

Eating bread or pasta will give us energy to be active right?

Yes, bread and pasta are sources of carbohydrates which provide energy to our bodies. However, it's important to balance carb intake with other nutrients for overall health and energy levels. Opt for whole grain options for more sustained energy.

What is the nutritional value of starch?

Glycogen is a form of carbohydrate which is stored in the liver for short term energy needs, after which the body will begin breaking down fats (lipids) for energy. The answer is Complex Carbs

What is healthier brown rice or whole wheat pasta?

It contains whole wheat which is a carbohydrate that provides necessary fiber for your body. Ordinary pasta is made from white flour which provides carbohydrates in the form of starch and insulin spiking sugars.