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Black coffee contains only five calories, if it's just coffee. Soda is full of calories and sugar.

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Q: Which has less calories soda or coffee?
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Does sprite have more calories than coffee?

No depending on what kind of coffee you drink Sprite will have less. Only regular black coffee with no sugar or cream has less calories.

Are americano coffee good for you?

Not totally...the caffeine is not good for osteoporosis and the caffeine is bad for body. But things done in moderation can be OK too. Just watch how much you have because scientists are now targeting coffee more than soda now. They say kids should not have either but coffee is even worse for them than soda.

How many calories are in flavored coffee beans?

You do not eat one pound of coffee beans at a time or even in a day also. You have very less calories in the amount of coffee you take per day. So you can enjoy the coffee regardless of the calorie count.

How many calories are in a teaspoon of coffee?

Coffee itself is extremely low-calorie (less than 3 calories per 8-ounce cup), so it depends on what you put in it. With cream and sugar, you can easily get up to 10 calories per tablespoon, which is 160 calories per 8-ounce cup.

What has nil calories?

Water, black coffee, and technically, celery ( the calories to digest it require more than it contains). Of course, there is also diet soda, but that has no dietary or nutritional value whatsoever (like black coffee, I guess. Ha).

Is diet soda healthier for you than regular soda?

Yes, it has less calories! plus it has less sugar but even though it has more aspartame it wont make up for it!!

Are there any calories in club soda?

There are 0 calories in club soda. DO not confuse with tonic which has many calories compared to club soda.

How many calories are in black coffee?

Essentially none. Figures vary but are mostly 10 or less, so realistically, not significantly more than a cup of hot water (and less than a cup of hot water with a single teaspoon of sugar added to it).

Do Saints drink soda or coffee?


How many calories are in a soda can?

The average amount of calories in a soda pop is 120-260

Is green tea better then coffee?

Green tea is generally considered to be healthier than coffee. People are less tempted to add in sugar or milk to tea. Green tea will also have less calories, fat, sodium, and caffeine than coffee does.

How many calories in a teaspoon full of coffee?

The amount of calories in coffee is negligible. A full cup contains only about 5 calories, so a teaspoon would have very, very little.