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Red meat, chicken liver, then turkey. The iron from meat is more easily absorbed than the iron in vegetables and grains. Among the best sources of non-heme iron is fortified cereals and oatmeal. Melons, chard and spinach are OK.

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Q: Which foods is the best source of iron?
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Iron food source?

There are several foods that are great sources of iron. A few of the foods are dried fruits, eggs, liver, red meat, and fish.

Is quorn a source of iron?

Yes, Quorn is a source of iron. It contains non-heme iron, which is a form of iron found in plant-based foods. Incorporating Quorn into your diet can contribute to your daily iron intake.

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The best source of getting natural vitamins is to eat foods that are healthy and fresh. These kinds of foods are things like fruits and vegetables, eat them raw.

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Eggs whites are the best source for protein.

Where can I find a list of foods that are high in iron?

The best place to find information for diets is www.WebMD,com. This site has a list for the top ten Iron-Rich Foods. The web site is located at