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Polysaturated fat, saturated fat, monosaturated fat....yeah i think that's it but don't think that all fat is bad fat is what keeps u warm and you need it to survive....just don't eat too much fat.

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Q: Which fat is bad for you?
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Which type of oil is bad fats?

There are four types of fat- terrible fat, bad fat, good fat, and best fat. Trans fat= terrible Saturated fat= bad Monounsaturated= good Polyunsaturated= best

Why is chicken fat bad?

Chicken fat is bad because it can contain 100-150 grams of fat.

Does pork contain bad fat?

yes pork contains nothing but bad fat

Is pig fat good or bad for your health?

bad, bad, BAD

What president was fat and bad temper?

Theodore Roosevelt (26) was kind of fat and had a bad temper.

Why is McDonald's bad?

McDonald's is bad for people that are fat put the people that are not fat well they can eat.

How is cholesterol different from fat?

cholesteral is bad for you and not healthy and fat makes well you fat!

What are the differences between the types of fat?

this depends on the fat, it is fat that is good and fat that is not good. the fat that is hard to get away is the bad one

Why are avocados thought bad for you?

Because they are high in fat. However this fat is monounsaturated, and is a healthy fat.

Is it bad when the belly fat is hard?

If its hard it isn't fat, its Muscle.

Is being woken up by hunger in the morning a bad thing?

Yes cuz that means you are fat. And as you know when you are fat you are fat. So if you are woken up by hunger in the morning you are very fat and that is a bad thing!

What is a fact on trans fat?

trans fat is not good for your body it can be bad for you and it is hard to lose trans fat off of your body so try to stay away with stuff that has (Trans Fat in it) bad for you take my advice.