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There are different applications you can buy for your phone or iPod if you want someone else to do the work for you, otherwise the label on all foods show the serving size and calories in the food you are about to eat. You can calculate it yourself this way.

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11y ago

The best calorie counter chart is arguably on the Calorie King website. Some other sources include looking at nutritional book either at the local library or from a bookstore

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Where are the best calorie counter charts?

It is possible to find calorie counts of foods online at sites like Calorie Counter Charts or Calorie King. There are also websites where one can type in their daily food journal, and they calculate the calories, such as Spark People and My Fitness Pal.

Where can I find a calorie chart so I can improve my health?

There are many calorie counters online. The key is to watch everything you eat. That way you will lose weight. The best calorie counter can be found on

Where can one find a calorie chart online?

There are many places online where one could find a chart of calories of popular foods. One looking for such a chart should visit Choose My Plate, Calorie King, or The Calorie Counter on the web.

What is the best alternative to getting my exercise calorie counter to keep working?

The best alternative to getting an exercise calorie counter to keep working is to track your calorie intake and calorie expenditure. To lose weight, make sure you burn more than you take in.

Is Fitday the best calorie counter program on the Internet?

There are many good calorie counters, or programs, on the Internet. There is no one "best" program.

Were online can i find a negative calorie food chart?

You may find some of these negative calorie food chart at these sites. They are and

Where can one find a calorie chart that's free to download?

One can find a downloadable calorie chart from the following sites; softonic calories chart, Brothersoft Food calorie chart in PPD software, and free downloads site.

Where to get free calorie counter?

If you are a paying member of Weight Watchers, they have a free calorie counter. My Calorie Counter is a free site where you can track your calories and diet plan as well.

What can I find calorie counter app for IOS?

You can find a calorie counter for you iPad here

Where can I find a calorie chart?

It's always hard when you first start counting calories. Can you bring a chart with you everywhere? You can find one easily online at I, personally, use an app for my Android phone called Calorie Counter. It comes everywhere with me and I'm able to search for just about anything.

Where is the calorie counter at subway?

You can see Subways calorie counter buy going on your computer, than your web browser then going on to see what ever subway meal's calorie counter

What is a food calorie counter?

Well, I would recommend using the food calorie counter from My Calorie Counter because they offer a variety of services and options. They also offer their services for a fee of no charge.