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Pastoralism originated in Holocene. It started about 12,000 years ago and was the first agriculture revolution. It is also known as the Neolithic Revolution.

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Q: Where did pastoralism originate?
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In terms of political organization pastoralism is most likely to have?

Pastoralism has to do with animal husbandry. In terms of political organization, pastoralism is most likely to have men who raise cattle.

What is the different forms of pastoralism?

The different forms of pastoralism include nomadic pastoralism, where herders move with their livestock in search of fresh grazing lands; transhumant pastoralism, where herders move seasonally between different altitudes or climates with their livestock; and sedentary pastoralism, where herders remain in one location and bring the livestock to grazing areas. Each form of pastoralism is adapted to the specific environmental and social conditions of the region.

Is it true that pastoralism is one form of subsistence agriculture?

Yes. Pastoralism centers around livestock, particularly animals such as camels, goats, yaks, llamas and sheep.

What is the difference difference between transhumance and nomadic pastoralism?

in transhumance people grow food and in nomadic pastoralism any domesticated plant food is acquired through trade.

Which culture depend mainly on pastoralism for livelihood?

The correct answer is Hare.

What is the significance of pastoralism?

Creates a guaranteed reliable source of food.

A lifestyle of tending livestock in open pasture land?


Which culture depends mainly on pastoralism for its livelihood?

The correct answer is Hare.

Compaire and contrast ranching and pastoralism?

Although both are forms of extensive grazin, there are some differences: while pastoralism is mainly related to extensive grazing by a community or group of any land under communal ownership, ranching means private ownership. Pastoralism is a more nomadic form, mainly without commercial goals.

Why did pastoralism rise in Africa during the classical era?

The dryness of the climate

What is Pastoralism in the modern world?

the practice of herding as the primary economic activity of a society.

What is pastor?

Pastoralism is the practice of herding as the primary economic activity of a society.