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WebMD has a wonderful article on cholesterol lowering diets at Another comprehensive site specifically devoted to this topic is Good luck!

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12y ago
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12y ago

Lowering your cholesterol diet may help you a lot, and help you stay fit and active . One of the websites I found was this website gives you a lot of information about your diet . Hope this helps !

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Q: Where can I find more information on cholesterol lowering diet?
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Where can I find more information on lower cholesterol diet plan ?

Http:// is a good website with great information on lowering your cholesterol. It outlines some good things to eat and others to avoid.

Where can I find out more about lowering cholesterol diet?

The mayo clinic is a good source for cholesterol lowering foods and diet. They will show you the good and bad types of cholesterol in foods.

Where can I find cholesterol vitamins?

There are definitely vitamins that will lower your cholesterol with the help of diet and exercise. You can find out more information here���cholesterol-lowering-vitamins.html

Where can I find information and advice on cholesterol lowering diet?

There are several foods you can eat that will directly lower your cholesterol. Mainly I know you can eat Oatmeal, and Cheerios.���cholesterol/���CL00002

Where can I find recipes to lower my cholesterol level?

Lowering your cholesterol can be very difficult for many people to do due to the strictness of the diet. So due to this he website has developed a great form of diet information.

Where can I find more information on cholesterol diet plan?

Your physician can be a great source of information on lowering your cholesterol. There are several websites out that can be helpful too such as and at The American Heart Associations' website

Where can I find a lower cholesterol diet plan?

There are many places where you can find low cholesterol diets. Your doctor would be your best source of information since he/she is already aware of other pre-existing conditions that may be necessary to take into consideration as you plan your diet. There are many books that already have great information such as: 1001 Heart Healthy Recipes by Dick Logue and the Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook by the American Heart Association. Check out your local library for a wide array of information about lowering your cholesterol.

Are there any websites that can help me find lowering cholesterol diet?

There are many resources available to aid in finding a low cholesterol diet. The Mayo Clinic website offers great information on the foods you should be eating:

Where can I find more information on cholesterol lowering foods ?

The Mayo Clinic has a website that should provide you with information about cholesterol lowering foods. Please see the following:

Where can I find out more about high cholesterol diet?

You can find more information about the high cholesterol diet. You can get information at and

How do I find information about a high cholesterol diet?

You can find lots of information online and in books at your local library. You would need to research info about high cholesterol and diet plans for cholesterol.

Are there any websites that can help me find cholesterol diet plan?

There are several Web sites that offer advice regarding cholesterol diet plans. One of which is:, which has advice from the American Heart Association and offers suggestions on diet plans and what to do and what not to do.