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Blah blah blah school sa peice of crapp!

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Q: When a person uses up more calories than he or she takes in as food what are the semtoms?
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Related questions

What is the Max weight gain from 1 pound of food?

The weight gain from food is not determined by the weight of the food, but by the number of calories in food. 3500 calories of food are equal to about one pound of weight (of the person, not the food).

Where could a person find information on the calorie content in food?

The information on calories on food can be found on the package of each food. Moreover, one can also search on the internet for the calories of each food, such as the understanding calories of NHS. One can also download an application which explains how many calories each food has.

What happens if the food a person consumes provides more calories that the person requires?

You gain weight.

How many calories does a person get when they eat junk food all day?

about 7000

How much weight will you lose if you have No food for 14 days?

Starvation is not a safe thing to do. However, considering that it takes the average person 2000 calories to maintain bodily functions, that would be 28,000 calories expended. It takes approximately 3,500 calories to lose one pound. This equals a weight loss of approximately 8 pounds.

What can calories do?

calories are energy. food contains calories, so when you eat food, the calories within the food power your body.

How do body get energy from food?

When u eat food your body takes out the calories to burn. That is wat produces energy. However if have to many calories at one time your cant burn it fast enough and will eventually becomes fat

Why do food labels indicate 2000 calories are needed per day?

2000 calories is the average daily calory requirement for an average person.

How can a person have food to eat but still be malnourished?

Lack of nutrients ("empty calories") in the food. And there are many deficiencies, even in America.

What do people really mean when they say that certain food has a lot of calories?

They mean it has a lot of calories.If you do not know what calories are that is not the fault of the person making the statement.

What are the signs of dieting?

the person will normally be skinnyer, looking how much fat calories ect.. are in there food.

Are food calories reported for the dry weight or for the whole food including the water weight?

Water weight has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the calories in food. Calories reported are the calories in the FOOD. Water HAS NO CALORIES. Get your head on man.